Give back to society, help needy students: Prez to IIT Delhi alumni

NEW DELHI, Nov 4: President Ram Nath Kovind today urged IIT Delhi alumni to give back to the society by helping the less privileged students of the premier institute by undertaking short teaching stints and sponsoring scholarships.
The President, while speaking at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi campus here during its 48th convocation, said all great universities of the world have a deep and thriving engagement between old students and the institution.
“They invite alumni to contribute, not merely in terms of financial assistance but more in terms of knowledge sharing and time,” Kovind said.
In the case of the IIT Delhi alumni group, he said, this can be done in several ways.
“Many of those who studied here in the past were fortunate to have their world class education heavily subsidised by the tax payer. There is a moral obligation to pay back, and to help those less privileged — in whichever manner the individual prefers,” the President said.
He suggested that it would be best if this process of giving back “enriches education and scholarship at the grassroots of our society.”
“The obligation is on the IIT Delhi authorities to involve and invite alumni, many of whom are well placed in other universities or in industry, to come back and teach here, even if for short periods or for specific courses.
“If procedures need to be simplified to achieve this, then efforts must be made in that direction,” he said.
Kovind stressed that “all of us must strive to give back to society in our own little way” as he also asked the premier institute to partner with a needy school and help its children and faculty.
The President, who is a Visitor to the institute, said he was happy to know that the IIT Delhi “now has more post graduate students than at the undergraduate level.”
“This is a healthy sign. We are moving towards research- based learning and churning out products and technologies for nation building. I am happy to note that researchers at IIT Delhi have invented and developed products that have contributed to the well being of fellow citizens,” Kovind said.
The President also lauded the faculty of the institute and said the success of the graduating students was “also a tribute to the faculty of IIT Delhi, which is among the best our country has to offer.”
“They (faculty) have nurtured raw youngsters into mature professionals. My good wishes to all of them,” he said. (PTI)