Brig Gupta strongly defends Modi’s K-policy, retorts back at Farooq

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 6: Responding to the statement of NC President, Dr Farooq Abdullah that Modi’s Kashmir policy has been swinging like a pendulum, Brig Anil Gupta, State spokesperson of BJP strongly defended the Modi Government’s K-policy.
In a statement issued here today he said, “the Modi Government’s K-policy is as steadfast as a rock, In fact, prior to this during the UPA regime, which included NC, there was no policy to deal with Kashmir except the “policy of appeasement” which only helped in filling the pockets of  the power brokers. Money was used to buy peace without addressing the genuine grievances of the people, he added.”
The appointment of Dineshwar Sharma as Special Representative of the Government of India to carry forward the sustained dialogue process by granting him the status of a Cabinet Secretary shows the sincerity of the Modi Government in finding a long term and lasting solution for return of peace and normalcy to trouble torn J&K, said Brig Gupta.
Exposing the inherent contradiction within the NC, Brig Gupta highlighted the tweet of Omar Abdullah made immediately after the appointment of Special Representative wherein he welcomed the aspect of mandate given to him, “One can’t get everything. So far now we’ll take what we can get. More important than the person is the mandate and absence of pre-conditions.” But Farooq stated yesterday in Tangdhar, “so essentially when the mandate given to Sharma is not clearly specified, then what the fun in having deliberations with him is?” It obviously is an afterthought and exposes the nexus between the Hurriyat and NC. There was little choice left with NC but to backtrack after the Hurriyat declined to join the talks and also clearly highlights as to from where do they get their orders like the Hurriyat, blamed Brig Gupta. The fact is that the NC leaders have no genuine sympathies for the Kashmiris and shed crocodile tears to mislead them through falsehood for the sake of their political survival. Their promises and falsehood keep vacillating depending on whether they are in power or out of it, rued the spokesperson. “It is your loyalty to the people of the State that keeps swinging like a pendulum and not Modi’s K-policy,” retorted Brig Gupta.
The appointment of Dineshwar Sharma is not mired in any controversy but is a fig of imagination of those leaders who want to derail the peace process even before it has begun. Clarifying that MoS (PMO) is being misquoted, Brig Gupta said, “what the MoS had said was that like a political party appoints a spokesperson by name and thereafter whatever the spokesperson states is treated as party line, similarly the Central Government has now appointed by name a Special Representative with the rank of Cabinet Secretary to carry forward the sustained dialogue process initiated by the Home Minister. He never said that Dineshwar Sharma has been appointed as a spokesperson,” stated Brig Gupta.