Dr Shveata Misra
You can revitalize your emotions and balance your body if you hold your fingers in a sequence says Dr Shveata Misra
How rightly quoted that “My Destiny is In My Own Hands” !
Yes, you can harmonize your emotions and nourish your body by holding each of your fingers in the sequence. This is a subtle yet powerful self help approach.
Each finger is associated with an attitude that can imbalance a corresponding function and organ system via the subtle energy channels that invisibly course through your body.
This method helps us to act upon some organ by only taking up the finger with the other hand and holding it tightly for three to five minutes. You need to breathe deeply while you do this and after that you need to massage every finger on both of your hands. The average time spent on each finger should be nearly three minutes.
Here is the scheme that shows which organs are connected to each finger :
Organs: Stomach and Spleen
Emotions: Anxiety and Depression
Physical Symptoms: Skin issues, stomachache, nervousness, headache
As an anchor for the hand, the thumb carries the weight of all decisions. It is most commonly linked to the emotions of depression and anxiety. It is also linked to the spleen and the stomach. If you have been feeling down and more worried lately, or have been experiencing more headaches and bouts of nervousness, try holding the thumb and gently apply pressure to it. Make sure not to squeeze too hard.
Index Finger
Organs: Urinary Bladder and Kidney
Emotions: Fear, Confusion, Discontent
Physical Symptoms: Pain in the back, in the muscles and tooth pain, problems with digestion.
Second in line is the index finger, which has been linked to the states of fear and confusion as well as the kidney. Patients who have issues with muscles and back aches or discomfort in their arms and legs have also reported feeling better after these massages.
Middle Finger
Organs: Yolky bitter and Liver
Emotions: Rage, Irritability and Indetermination
Physical Symptoms: Menstrual Pain, Migraines, Headaches, Especially in the frontal area, tiredness, Problems with Circulation.
This also reduces areas of pain and inflammation. If you’ve been feeling more fatigued than usual lately, or if you’ve been experiencing issues with circulation, tries applying pressure to the middle finger. This finger is mainly linked to the emotions of anger and irritability. It also helps with problems of the liver. Exercises like this also create a notable relaxation effect. After practicing these exercises, patients saw decreases in their blood pressure and anxiety levels.
Ring Finger
Organs: Large Intestine and Lungs
Emotions: Sadness, Fear, Negativity
Physical Symptoms: Asthma and other Respiratory problems, digestion problems, skin conditions.
If you have been having doubts about yourself, or if you’ve been feeling negative or sad energy all around, trying focusing on the ring finger. Applying pressure here may also help with digestive and respiratory issues. This one was shown to help reduce pain found in the chest and kidneys. When doing these exercises, remember to always stay calm and to control your breathing!
Pinkie (Little Finger)
Organs: Small Intestine and Heart
Emotions: Nervousness, Anxiety and Absence of Self – Confidence
Physical Symptoms: Pain in the Throat, Heart Disease, Problems with Bones.
Most commonly, the little finger is linked to a state of low self – esteem. You may be someone who’s constantly over thinking situations, or judging something a bit too hard. As you do this exercise, try to let go of the checklist of things that are bogging you down, and try to clear your mind and be in the present. This exercise will be great if you are suffering from body pains and aches or nerve problems.
(The author is Music Psychologist)