Autonomy only solution, independence not reality: Dr Abdullah

INAGAR: Reiterating that a greater autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) was the only solution to the problem in the sub-continent, former Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah said since the region was landlocked and surrounded by three nuclear powers, independence was not a reality.

Talking to mediapersons on the sideline of a function at National Conference headquarter on Saturday, Dr Abdullah reiterated that autonomy was the only solution to resolve the long pending issue.

”Since we are landlocked surrounded by three nuclear powers ? India, Pakistan and China ? independent Kashmir was not a reality, the MP from Srinagar constituency said when asked to comment on the recent statement of Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi that there can be no freedom to Kashmir.

Refusing to comment on the role of Hurriyat Conference (HC) and other separatists, the president of the main opposition National Conference (NC) Dr Abdullah said ”I have nothing with them.”

However, he said, the Kashmir issue could not be resolved until Pakistan and India hold talks with the people of the Jammu and Kashmir.

Dr Farooq Abdullah said ”there is nothing like freedom as we are landlocked. We have nothing but Allah’s name. Those who are talking about Azadi are wrong since it was not practical.”

When asked about the appointment of interlocutor Daneshwar Sharma by the Centre, he said the former Intelligence Bureau (IB) chief held talks with some organisations here.

However, he said for permanent peace in the region, India and Pakistan should talk with the people of the state. In reply to a question about the HC’s refusal to hold talks with Mr Sharma, Dr Abdullah said he has nothing to say about it.

”I am not with Hurriyat,” he said. However, he alleged that present situation in the state was because India betrayed Kashmiris and did not treat them well.

Dr Abdullah also supported his son Omar Abdullah, working president of the NC, for his recent comment that the Instrument of Accession that made J&K a part of the Union of India kept all powers with the state barring Currency, Communication, Defence and Foreign Affairs.  (AGENCIES)