Unity among PK factions only alternative end Pandits miseries

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 14: A meeting of Panun Kashmir (PK) was held today under the leadership of its president Vijay Bhat. Besides deliberating upon the current political scenario, the members dwelt upon the causes of the continuous State of the ambiguity surrounding the main issue of the return of Kashmiri Pandits to a separate Homeland in Kashmir valley in accordance with Margdarshan resolution of 1991.
Addressing the meeting Mr. Bhat said that the time has come when an irrevocable unity of entire P K was felt imperative and inevitable. When the aim and the avowed agenda for the reversal of the causes and the resolution of the exodus of the community was felt to be only in the Homeland, then why there should not be one platform, one voice and one leadership he asked?
He said that looking to the apparent state of the current dormancy of the Homeland movement, a united, cohesive and indomitable P K as one combined well-knit organization was the only medium and the mode.
Mr. Bhat appealed the members of the community to look into the sensitive issue from the point of the fact that 22 years have passed but none in the Governments seems to be concerned to care for seven lakh uprooted members of the ethnic community while divergent views and approaches coupled by a hazy strategy by the community’s leadership are making things worse. He lamented that instead of competitive organizational voices, the need of a single Organization as a compact force, has so far been neither sought after nor any concerted efforts made which is the need of the hour.