PDP-BJP Govt fails to perform: Bhalla

Senior Cong leader Raman Bhalla addressing public meeting at Sunjwan in Jammu on Monday.
Senior Cong leader Raman Bhalla addressing public meeting at Sunjwan in Jammu on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 13: Former minister and senior Congress leader Raman Bhalla has alleged that Coalition Government has miserably failed to perform and live up to the expectations of the people.
Addressing public meeting at Sunjwan in Gandhi Nagar constituency today,  Bhalla said there is strong resentment among the people against this Government as it has not fulfilled its promises made at the time of Assembly elections.  The PDP-BJP has played with the sentiments of the people who voted them to power. People are not happy with their policies and the Government has proved to be a failure.
“People are realising the futility of electing a Government that is not only insensitive towards their problems but also responsible in adding to these on every front”,  Bhalla said adding that Congress is the only destination for those who want peace to sustain and development  in the State.
He alleged that PDP-BJP Govt is a divided house and because of fundamental differences between two parties, the Government is crippled due to policy paralysis as a result the situation has worsened on the ground and people are maximum sufferers in the State. The two coalition partners have divergent views and approach to fundamental issues and are pulling strings in opposite direction with nothing common except lust of power which is keeping them together.
Bhalla said that Agenda of Alliance is nothing but an eye wash for the people and said that BJP has taken Jammu and Ladakh forgranted and has failed to recognize the developmental priorities and represent the aspirations of the people. He said that BJP has failed to represent the sentiments and deliver the promises it made to the electorate.
Congress leader expressed concern over delay in salaries of the employees and retrenchment of to the Anganwari workers daily wagers. He cautioned the Coalition Government against confrontational approach, saying this has already started boomeranging. He said the PDP-BJP Government is conscious that promises made with the people before elections cannot be delivered and therefore they are killing time in raking up frivolous issues and inciting passions. He said the public anger has reached peak and it can burst like a volcano.