Autonomy NC’s trick to create confusion amongst masses: Vakil

Excelsior Correspondent
BARAMULLA,  Nov 15: President “Jammu Kashmir Bachao Tehreek” and  former minister,  Abdul Gani Vakil today described the statement of  Dr Farooq Abdullah on Autonomy as National Conference’s favorite method and trick to create confusion amongst masses for cheap political opportunism and take advantage of PDP-BJP’s unnatural alliance to grab power in the State.
Vakil asked Farooq Abdullah that why he as the Chief Minister in 1998 pushed through Autonomy Resolution but not the Autonomy Bill. He said had Dr Abdullah as Chief Minister pushed through Autonomy Bill instead of Autonomy Resolution in the Assembly as the issue of autonomy would have been resolved long back. He said that no one can relegate this fact that it was during the tenure of  NC when the then BJP led NDA Government rejected the Autonomy Resolution in presence of Omar Abdullah and his father but for the fear of losing power, the whole NC leadership remained silent to protect and safeguard the chair of Omar Abdullah as MoS for External Affairs.
Addressing party convention at Baramulla today, Vakil said that on high moral grounds NC especially Dr  Farooq should not speak of Autonomy because Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah’s 1975 accord changed the political dimensions of the J&K for ever and for the well being of citizens of the State he must admit this truth and should not exploit them for so called Autonomy.
Vakil also asked Dr Farooq that why he is only demanding tabling of report of new Interlocutor Dineshwar Sharma and not the report of previous three interlocutors submitted to previous Governments, Congress led UPA Government during Omar led NC-Congress coalition in the State.
Gulchain Singh Charak, patron of the Tehreek and former minister appealed NIA to play its role honestly and also investigate the source of funding of all mainstream leaders of J&K who have managed to grab huge wealth disproportionate their known source of income and bring to fore the truth so that innocent people of J&K can identify the real culprits who want to keep the pot boiling for their petty political gains. He castigated both NC and PDP for exploiting, befooling and cheating innocent people of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that these parties forgot and drifted from their so called core ideologies for sake of power and said that so called Autonomy or Self Rule politics of NC and PDP is nothing but a political gimmick and a tool to enforce regional divide  and to grab power.