Additional power for JK

With the onset of winter, power consumption in the hilly State of Jammu and Kashmir increases a good deal. The State is not in a position to strike parity between supply and demand of power. The State is fed by three sources, local generation, centre’s share and purchase of power from nearby states.  The peak demand of Jammu & Kashmir during the current year (April to October, 2017) was 2,768 MW and the demand met was 2214 MW, thus, leaving shortfall of around 554 MW (i.e. 20 percent).
At present, around 70 per cent of the energy requirement is being met from Central Generating Stations in the State. Keeping in mind the harsh winter ahead, the State approached the Centre for release of more power from Centrally generated power grid and fortunately the Government of India, Ministry of Power has agreed to provide additional quota of 792 MW for Jammu and Kashmir in view of higher demand in winter. The Centre has said that if the State requires more power it will consider sympathetically.
Additional 792 MW will go a good way in improving power supply position in the State. However, what is needed is justifiable and equitable distribution of additional power. After the Durbar move, pressure on power consumption has increased manifold and the PDD is now making arbitrary power cuts and reducing the voltage and even leaving some areas dark for full day or night thus causing great suffering for the people. We hope the PDD will take immediate steps to improve power supply along with voltage in parts of Jammu where there is much shortfall in supply of power.