Excelsior Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Nov 21: Minister for Animal, Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries, Abdul Ghani Kohli today called on Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh to discuss various issues including Border Area Development Programme and problems being faced by the people living in border areas of Rajouri and Poonch districts in Jammu division.
A delegation of the Gujjar and Bakerwal community of State also accompanied the Minister.
The Minister strongly demanded for grant of special compensation for the people of border areas of Poonch and Rajouri affected due to cross border shelling. He briefed the Home Minister that due to shelling in border areas, the education and road connectivity of these areas has been affected badly which needs to be addressed on priority.
Kohli also requested for grant of political reservation for Schedule Tribe (ST) population of State on the pattern of Schedule Castes (SC). He raised various issues including settlement of Nomadic population (Gujjar and Bakerwals), reservation in promotions in all categories, opining of Eklavya Model Residential Schools in every district of State, telecasting of Gojri News on Doordarshan and inclusion of Gojri language in the State Board of School Education curriculum.
With regard to development of Kalakote constituency of Rajouri district, Kohli demanded special funds under Boarder Area Development Programme (BADP) for drinking water supply scheme at Lower Agrath and Kalakass enabling more than 7000 people of the hilly villages to get safe drinking water facility.
Kohli also demanded funds for construction of roads from LoorKote to Agrati and Dalgora to Padian and Panchayat Ghar to Malgujjaran, besides one 35 Mtr span steel Gardor Motorable Bridge at DhanwaKot (Sail Trar) for the benefits of the local populace.
The Minister submitted a charter of demands for nomadic populations including streamlining the education system, grazing field and transportation facilities, healthcare facilities during migration period, smokeless chullas, solar lights, veterinary dispensary facilities and proportional reservation in district cadre posts.
Kohli invited the Home Minister to have a visit of the border districts of Poonch and Rajouri including Kalakote to personally see the miseries of the people. Home Minister assured the delegation that he will visit the area in near future.
The Union Home Minister gave a patient hearing to the Minister and assured him that the genuine demands would be taken up and looked into for redressal in a time bound manner.