Jaitley charges Cong with playing second fiddle to anarchists

Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday charged Congress party with “deviating” from its own election strategy roadmap and said the party now stands “mortgaged” in the hands of those forces which have only spread “anarchy” in Gujarat.
“The Congress today stands mortgaged in the hands of those forces which have only spread anarchy in the state,” Mr Jaitley told mediapersons here. Stating that the Congress leadership has turned “economical with truth”, he also blasted at the Congress-led UPA that ruled between 2004 and 2014 for continuing its tirade against Prime Minister Narendra Modi Government on Rafale aircraft deal.
“In this case, there was no Ottavio Quattrocchi,” he said and maintained that the fact that the alleged scandal in Rafale deal was raised only two-and-half hours after the deal was actually inked showed that there was “motive behind it”.
Moreover, he pointed out unlike Bofors of various deals that came during Congress regime, the Rafale deal between India and French government was between “Government to Government and there was no middlemen”. Referring to reservation issue vis-a-vis Patidar community, he said the Congress party is only resorting to “deception”.
“This election is about governance. Governance can come from a party which has credibility. Such a thing cannot come from a force which only represents anarchy,” Mr Jaitley said.
He said the Congress party has repeatedly changed its “track and strategy” in the run up to the elections in Gujarat. “Unhone kahi baar rang badla (They have changed colour a number of times),” he said. “Beginning with an anti-development stance, wherein they mocked at development……the Congress party today stands mortgaged with forces those raised and spread anarchy in the state,” he said. (UNI)