26 Jammu villages provided irrigation facilities by CAD

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 26: The farmers of 26 villages were provided assured irrigation facilities by the Command Area Development (CAD) in Jammu region.
This was disclosed by Director CAD S Jatinder Singh while interacting with farmers during his inspection of On Farm Development (OFD) works which are under execution in Marh Kulain, Balwal Bharth, Mullo, Lada, Sajwal of Pargwal Canal Command Project district Jammu. The farmers also expressed their satisfaction over field channels constructed by CAD Jammu to supply irrigation water to agriculture fields.
The farmers also demanded continuation of the project for covering more and more area under field channels. They said that the field channels have played a significant role in avoiding loss of water due to percolation and seepage providing water to the tale end fields.
The Director also appealed farmers to maintain field channels so that the efficiency in usage of water should not be reduced and the production and productivity of the crop in the area is protected.
He also directed the technical staff to put in their all efforts to complete the schemes in stipulated time frame.