Chinese media hails transition of power in Communist Party

BEIJING, Nov 16: Hailing the smooth transition of power in the Chinese Communist Party, state media here today said it enabled China to avoid the “disastrous consequences” seen in some developing countries for following the Western political system.
“China has avoided some disastrous consequences as seen in some other developing countries as a result of implanting a Western system. Meanwhile, China has witnessed economic development and political progress,” state-run daily Global Times said in its editorial about yesterday’s election of Xi Jinping as new General Secretary of the CCP.
The just concluded 18th Party Congress “instilled a strong sense of certainty into Chinese politics. The Western political system is stable, but is of little help in solving the problems faced by Western society”.
“This new certainty of Chinese politics incorporates stability, and the determination to tackle various issues of the country. It is a show of strength,” it said, justifying one party system.
“Since the abolishment of the life-tenure of party leaders starting from the Deng Xiaoping era, China has witnessed three power transitions. The regular term limits and smoother handover of power show that overall the leadership transitions have become more institutionalised,” it said.
“This marks key political progress in China since reform and opening-up. The regular leadership transitions have helped China achieve the soft landing as part of its democratic process,” it said.
In its editorial, the China Daily said “now the transition is over the world is curious about the “qualified answer sheet”, the new leader Xi has promised to submit.
“The fine momentum has to be sustained, and reform and opening-up, which have been the core drivers of the country’s recent rise to prominence, have to be deepened and broadened. That is the only way toward the ‘qualified answer sheet’ the new Party leader pledged to deliver while meeting the press,” it said.
“Corruption in the CCP’s ranks has done so much damage to the party’s image and has been identified as a threat to the party’s governing status by Hu and other leaders. Serious house cleaning is urgently needed to strengthen public confidence,” it said.
The Communist Party’s official organ, the People’s Daily, in its editorial called for strong and united leadership and asked the people to rally behind the new leaders.
“A group of younger officials with both capability and integrity” have taken over the leadership.
“China should have a strong and united leadership with correct theory and guidelines to constantly promote the nation’s undertaking,” it said.
The election result fully reflects “the will of the Party, which is thriving and full of vitality, and the wishes of the people across the nation,” it said.
“It speaks highly of those who have contributed to hard-earned historic achievements in the nation and comrades who have stepped down from leading posts,” it said, praising the outgoing leaders who retired.
“All cadres of the Party are convinced that the Central Committee of the Party with Xi Jinping as general secretary will fulfil arduous yet glorious tasks by leading the nation to promote scientific development and social harmony, and to improve people’s livelihoods and welfare,” it said.
The Congress also have shown that the CCP is a mature, united, harmonious and innovative Marxist Party that can always retain its vanguard role, it said and called on Chinese people to closely unite around the Party’s new leadership. (PTI)