Padmawati row

Reference ‘Padmavati row’ Daily Excelsior, Nov 25. Rightly observed that reverence does not mean to issue threats etc. Nobody should be allowed to take law into his own hands in a secular country, like ours. But at the same time when any paid actor, actress has played his, her role according to the signed contract, there seems no justification if he or she plays further unwanted role in between the protesters and the film makers. And as for as history or the cultural heritage is concerned, not to talk of Hindus Ranis, but even the Mallikas of Islamic era, have never been seen or quoted anywhere dancing in groups of otherwise even within the walls of their own palaces.
Since centuries, all this was meant for the court dancers. Therefore, all other controversies may require rational discussion, debate keeping in mind the senmtiments, faith and whatsoever the history of Rajasthan and happenings of Chittor Garh fort, to the extent whether Rani Padmini or Padmavati ever existed or is only an imagination of sufi poet Malik Mohd Jayasi, but it needs to be condemned by one and the all, if our reverened Ranis are shown as court dancers, what we are witnessing on small screen, even before it is cleared by the Film Censor Board.
There is a very right observation by the Vice President of India, that ‘You have no right to take laws into your own hands. At the same time you don’t have the right to hurt the sentiments of others.’ All those who are directly or indirectly involved in this issue must take a note of these observations, particularly in the film industry who have announced 15 minutes black out or participation in the protest called ‘Am I free’. They should not make it a prestige issue in the name of freedom but try to understand that their stick cannot be allowed to touch the nose of others who too have the right to enjoy the same freedom.
Yours etc…..
Narsingh Dev Jamwal