Sham inaugurates developmental works

Minister for PHE, Sham Lal Choudhary inaugurating a developmental work in Suchetgarh on Saturday.
Minister for PHE, Sham Lal Choudhary inaugurating a developmental work in Suchetgarh on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 9: Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control Sham Lal Choudhary today inaugurated several developmental works at Sai Panchayat in Suchetgarh.
The developmental works included 15 projects of lanes and drains  in villages Moil Camp, Tangali Camp  and Fagal Camp of Sai Kalan Panchayat  in Suchetgarh constructed at a cost of about  Rs. 70 lakh under Cluster Model Village being developed under BADP. He also inaugurated a transformer of 100 KV at Moil Camp.
While addressing the gathering, the Minister said the Government has launched a programme to develop the villages of border belt under Cluster Model Village, saying that Rs. 1.20 crore are being spent  to create basic amenities in each border village under the scheme at par with urban areas.
He said, besides, the Government has also launched various schemes for the development of border belt and welfare of the farming community and urged upon the people to avail the benefits of these schemes.
He further mentioned that a well knit road communication has been developed in the area, which goes a long way in improving the socio-economic condition of people of area, besides promotion of economic activities.
Responding to the people’s demands at Moil Camp, the Minister said that a community hall would be constructed in the area. Earlier, the Minister convened a public grievances redressal camp in Chakrohi in which people from scores of villages of border belt of Suchetgarh participated.
The people flagged issues of their respective areas pertaining to Revenue, PDD, PHE, RDD, FCS&CA Departments and sought the Minister’s intervention for their early redressal.
The Minister reiterated the Government’s commitment to address the problems of the people at their doorsteps. He directed the concerned to pay the field visits and attend the people on priority in redressing their problems. He sought list of beneficiaries whose Rabi crop was damaged in 2015.
Responding to the demand of compensation to Displaced Persons, the Minister assured that the process for release of compensation would be expedited. He also asked the beneficiaries to submit the DP forms in SDM office at the earliest so that these may also be submitted in the concerned quarter for necessary action.
Referring to problem of people in Nikowali, the Minister said that their issue would also be taken up with concerned quarter for settlement.