Crimes against women

Increasing graph of crimes against women, is a matter of grave concern for the entire society. Where have all those golden traditions gone when a young lady fully dressed with gold was able to enjoy long journey alone, totally unfeared of being looted of ornaments and honour? Today, in so-called civilised society, the womenhood always stands exposed to unholy and indecent behaviour. Stupidity prevails when women are raped, murdered, subjected to untold sexual assaults, dowry deaths and all sort of domestic violence they silently bear. All endeavours by the law agencies to mitigate their sufferings, have so far remained unfruitful. In cities and towns, the situation is more shocking and appears considerably uncontrollable.
Who is responsible for all such maladies? The parents, the society or the Govt ? In the best opinion, all are equally accountable for such ills. Actually, erosion of moral and ethical values, is playing a havoc in disturbing and undermining the traditional respect, the womanhood used to enjoy. Obviously some more stringent-measures are absolutely needed to curb such tendencies in male society. It is highly disgusting and shameful when women fear to move freely and with dignity in their own streets.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)