251 HCs promoted

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 22: Inspector General of Police (IGP) Jammu Dr SD Singh today ordered promotion of 251 Head-Constables (HCs) to the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASIs).
The promotion order was issued during the 7th DPC held under the chairmanship of IGP, Jammu.
SO to IGP JZ, Jammu Rajesh Sharma, SSP, SSP PCR, Jammu, Joginder Singh, Deputy Director Prosecution, TADA Court Jammu Subhash Sharma  and Inspector (Personnel) ZPHQ, Jammu. Deshbir Singh were the members on the board constituted under the chairmanship of IGP Jammu Zone.
Dr SD Singh, IGP Jammu Zone in his message to the promoted expressed hope that the promotion will act as a morale booster and enable them to feel proud and to equip themselves professionally thereby bringing laurels to the Police Department.