Forensic equipment going waste

DNA and Cyber Forensic test methods are considered highly useful in cases of criminal investigation. Courts insist on forensic reports whenever a criminal case is under hearing. These two wings of investigation methodology have achieved considerable significance in advanced countries. New and very accurate equipment is now at the disposal of the investigating authorities which immensely help in meting out justice to the accused persons. Importance of utilising DNA and Cyber Forensic test has attained much significance in our State with the eruption of armed insurgency in 1989-90.
The existing Forensic Science Laboratory in Srinagar is ‘useless’ and cannot be relied upon. The reason is the laboratory is not provided with adequate and trained manpower for DNA and Cyber Forensic units. Though one DSP, three Sub-Inspectors and one constable have been deployed in the DNA unit yet their examination and reporting is not permissible under the law. It is only the opinion of experts that is considered by the judiciary.
It was in 2016 that the State Government and particularly the Home Department realized that this vital component of fair investigation has to be modernized and pressed into service if we want that justice is done to the accused. With this understanding, the Government ordered ultra modern equipment worth crores of rupees in the hope that the Srinagar based Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) would be self – sufficient in all respects and that once it became functional we shall not have to send samples to forensic laboratories outside the State for reports. It has to be noted that sending samples in laboratories outside the State takes a long time which is inadvisable in the case of some crucial investigations.  This was certainly a good idea and the expensive equipment was purchased with very good intentions. But then the lacuna was left open. This is sophisticated equipment and only experts are able to handle these and obtain correct results. The policy planners agreed to place order with big firms outside the State for supply of the delicate and expensive equipment, but they never paid attention to the fact as who would handle this equipment. They should have also raised cadres for undergoing training in the fields of DNA and Cyber Forensic testing. This was not done. The result is that equipment worth crores of rupees remains unutilized in FSL.
Moreover, the FSL has become the dumping ground for the Police Department because the blue eyed police functionaries or those with a political clout or approach in the corridors of power get themselves posted in the FSL. This is totally unacceptable policy. As per the norms, each discipline of any Forensic Science Laboratory should have one Deputy Director or Assistant Director, one Scientific Officer, two Assistant Scientific Officers, two Lab Assistants and two Lab Attendants. However, there is nobody to effectively run DNA and Cyber Forensic units in FSL Srinagar. When the announcement of having latest equipment for the FSL was made by the then DGP at Bemina in the vicinity of Srinagar, he said that a modern laboratory would come up with full equipment and it would almost change the entire process of investigation. But the situation today is that equipment worth crores of rupees has been gathering dust because it cannot be utilised for the reason that there are no experts available to do so.
It has to be noted that in advanced countries great progress is underway in the area of forensic investigation and equipment. It is changing so fast that no wonder by the time we are able to have the experts running the FSL much of the equipment that has been purchased may become obsolete and outdated. Keeping in mind the way things are going there appears no possibility of manpower with special expertise in the field of forensic science becoming available to the FSL. This all boils down to the fact that this unavoidable component of investigation will remain a deficit and the accused may not receive justice in letter and in spirit. The only solution of the issue is that the Govt should immediately identify the manpower that must get trained at some recognized national institute of forensic science.