Liberalized family pension for soldiers

Defence Minister has approved liberalize family pension for army men deployed along 4,000 kms long border with China. So far liberalized family pension is given only to Army personnel deployed along the Line of Control and International Border (IB) with Pakistan. The manner in which our soldiers deployed along Indo-China border handled the Doklam crisis has brought into focus the question of adequate family pension to these soldiers also as they are rendering almost the same type of duty as those guarding the border along the LoC or the International Border. The statement said the liberalised family Pension provides for 100 per cent of last “reckonable” emoluments in comparison to normal family pension which provides for 30 per cent of the last “reckonable” emoluments. Liberalised family Pension covers accidental death or injury sustained due to natural calamities such as flood, avalanches, landslides, cyclone, fire and lightening or drowning in river while performing operational duties or movements in action against enemy forces and armed hostilities in operational areas.
It has to be noted that the NDA Government has been taking objective view of various demands of the army men, the officers and other ranks. It has successfully tackled the one rank one pension scheme which had been hanging fire for so many years in the past. Likewise, in the sphere of providing our defence forces modern and improved weapons and armament, the NDA Government has come forward with positive response. Only recently, a new nuclear powered submarine has been introduced in the navy. Similarly, more modern and lethal air machines are purchased to make our air force capable of protecting the sensitive areas and sites against the assaults of the enemy. An overall picture shows that the Indian defence preparedness today is far far ached in comparison to what it was in 1962 when we had to meet with the debacle in our Eastern border with China.
The heartening news is that NDA Government has become pragmatic about country’s defence and border security which is in contrast to what was the philosophy of earlier days. There was a time when at the highest level of policy planning it was believed that India had no enemies and as such did not need well equipped and well trained army. However, these Utopian and idealistic assumptions are farthest from ground reality. We must never lose sight of the fact that we are sandwiched between two rank enemies who are leaving no stone unturned to do us one or the other harm at whatever level they can. India cannot afford to be complacent about these threats. Therefore, we have to keep our powder dry and in doing so we have to provide fullest possible facilities to the soldiers who are guarding our borders in most inclement weather and geographical conditions. Imagine our soldiers are guarding the Siachin glacier at a height of more than 18,000 feet above sea level and a temperature below -40 degrees. The nation has to stand strong behind our brave soldiers and afford them all facilities we can provide. We would like to exhort the Defence Minister not to remain content with what she has announced about enhancement of family pension but more should come by way of largesse to the brave soldiers of our country. We salute them and we owe them a debt of gratitude.