Haq Khan reviews implementation of CM’s directions in Kulgam

KULGAM: The Minister for Rural Development & Panchayati Raj and Law& Justice, Abdul Haq Khan today chaired a meeting here to review the implementation of the directions passed by the Chief Minister during the public durbar here on 25th of November, 2017.

The District Development Commissioner, Talat Parvez Rohella apprised the Minister about the action taken on the CM directions. He informed that 328 directions were passed in the public darbar on 25th of November out 0f which 45 works have been taken up so far and 44 decisions are such where departments were asked for examination and have not been found feasible. He also informed that so far, Rs 7 crore is the availability for the execution of the works, while as the departments have been directed to project the demands for the execution of works.

The Minister sought sector-wise feedback from the concerned officers and fixed target dates for completion of the CM directions. Meanwhile, he directed the DDC to personally monitor the implementation of different projects which have been approved in the public darbar.

While reviewing the directions passed in PHE sector, the Minister was informed that new works or those works which need augmentation have been tendered out. The concerned executive engineer apprised that work of WSS Waltengoo-Razloo Kund is under progress while as the work on WSS Panzgam Nad Kraloo, LIS Peth Devsar have been tendered out. Besides, the beautification and dredging of nallah at Ziyarat Sharief Qaimoh has also been tendered out.

The executive engineer I&FC told the meeting that DPR formulation for addressing 28 vulnerable spots on Vishow nallah has been submitted to higher authorities for approval. The Minister directed I&FC Department to immediately start the work worth Rs 3.8 crore on the nallah and complete it by the ending February 2018. The concerned Exen also apprised that tendering for desilting of Gree nallah, Mav Kull, Nandi Canal and augmentation of Gramtoo canal have also been tendered out.

With respect to WSS Shurat, the ADDC was directed to have an inspection and submit a report about the extent of restoration required to provide adequate water supply to people.

Regarding provision of drinking water supply to the habitations of Sopat-Khargund, the DDC informed that the matter has been taken up with ERA for conceiving a regional scheme for the whole area.

Meanwhile, the Minister directed the ACD to construct a protection bund at Banimulla spring so that the existing water supply scheme which is sourced from it will function properly.

Besides, the DDC was also asked to get the technical survey at Aharbal fall conducted by the NIT team within a month.

While reviewing the R&B sector, the Minster was informed that 2.5 kms Y.K Pora-Nagress road, Syed Sallay Ziyarat -Maskhud has been tendered out while as the DPRs have been formulated in rest of the works including the  construction of basic amenities at Court Complex DH Pora, Auditorium Hall Kulgam, Hakradan motorable bridge, widening of Y.K Pora-Wasaknag road, and others.

The Exen JKPCC informed the meeting that work on Ashmuji-Gund bridge is going on and shall be completed by April, 2018, adding, so far, 9 of the 12 girders have been launched. Besides, he informed that Wanpora-Shamsipora bridge shall be through by mid-January, 2018.

The Minister also reviewed the directions passed in respect of RDD, Education, Health, Tourism, Social Welfare and other extension departments and directed the concerned officer to expedite the implementation of the directions passed by the Chief Minister.

He directed the DYSSO to develop playfields at Qaimoh, Yaripora, Frisal, DH Pora, Kelam, Devsar and other areas, besides upgrading the existing sports infrastructure at Kulgam stadium.

The meeting was attended by SP Kulgam, ADDC, Principal GDC Kulgam, CEO ADA, CPO, ACR, Exens of PHE, PDD, R&B, I&FC, JKPCC, PMGSY, District officers of Health, Education, Social Welfare, RDD, Agriculture, Horticulture, Sheep Husbandry, Animal Husbandry and other departments.