Plight of Kashmiri Pandits

Prof. A.N.Sadhu
Nineteenth January,1990 will go down in the golden history of Kashmir, as the darkest day of the 20th century when the entire community of Kashmiri Pandits ( the ab-origins of the valley) were forced to leave their homes and hearth and flee to destinations unknown to them. It was a march in the wilderness and a desperate struggle for survival. Exoduses of Kashmiri Pandit’s have been recorded in the past, as well, but the one that took place in 1990 was different. Earlier exoduses were forced by tyrant invaders who resorted to inhuman atrocities against the inhospitable populations to entrench themselves firmly in the alien lands. Part of their atrocious rule was religious bigotry but mostly they were looters and barbarians of medieval times pouncing on soft targets as wild animals. Much water had flown down the Ganges since then and a significant evolution of human society had taken place and hardly would the earths planet expect such an upheaval in a land known as abode of saints and sufis and recognized as paradise on earth, the world over. Then why did it happen is a trouble-some question. Some stark realities can, however, not be ignored. The exodus was forced under a design being formulated outside the country but with the connivance of some sections of local population who submitted to evil designs either out of ignorance or out of a consideration, whatsoever it might have been. The entire community of KP’s was under a shock and the country was clue-less. Everything seemed to have come to standstill. The frozen turbulence needed an iron hand to break the ice and let the water of humanity flow back into the river Jhellum. The challenge was formidable but it had to be faced. That the exiled community has still not been able to return shows how formidable and complex the challenge is, may be, it also is a pointer towards a willful design or weak will power or even a bankruptcy of ideas to deal with such challenges. The fact remains that the displaced community is still waiting to be repatriated to their homeland.
That three decades in wilderness have passed and no signs of reprieve are visible compels one to examine the plight of this beleaguered community who has had a distinguished past in the history of Kashmir. The plight of Kashmiri Pandits needs to be examined from different angles (viz.) economic, political, social and psychological. The economic plight of the displaced community is a mixed lot with abject deprivation, on the one hand, and a bout of affluence, on the other. The exodus besides casting vast sections of population in wilderness has also provided a vast exposure to the youth of the community and those who had the means, material and mental, both, benefitted from the exposure and reaped significant benefits from their merit and diligence. In fact a sizeable number of KP youth are the global leaders in several fields ranging from management professionals to outstanding technologists. The less privileged mostly hailing from remote areas and not having a strong educational back up from their ancestry, are still struggling to adjust to the new environs and in the process missing the bus to new economic destinations. Intectual differentials is a natural phenomenon among humans and in this world of competition, less intelligent miss the race and have to settle down for lesser opportunities at the local level. Unfortunately the powers, that be, did not care for these less privileged ones leaving them to become over aged for government jobs and since the non government jobs are limited, these young men and women are hard pressed to eke out a living. The absolute in-difference, casual approach and callous attitude of the government has been making their plight miserable as a result of which it has caused multiple damage to the displaced community. Economac deprivation has serious consequences on the future of the society or a part there of. It needs immediate attention. Depriving a useful human stock of opportunities to contribute to the humanity is harsh on that human stock, of course, but is of greater disadvantage to the society as a whole.
The community that contributed significantly to the emergence of new political order in the state, stands completely marginalized on the political front. Even its participation into the political process is stifled owing to cumbersome procedures resulting into the negligible participation of the community in political process of the state. Not only is it an utter disregard to democratic system; it is equally in violation of the fundamental rights of the eligible voters whose participation in elections in stalled because of official appathy and the systemic indifference. Socially, the exodus has caused irreparable loss on several counts. The huge dispersal of the young boys and girls have shaken the age old family traditions and distanced relations and friends to the extent that even their addresses are hard to trace out. The community is loosing its collective character which is important for the maintenance of identity and its distinct qualities as an ethnic group. Identity of different communities, ethnicities and other diverse sections of population is very important for the humanity on the local as well as global level. Even when Kashmiri Pandits have shown resilience and forte to fight the odds of a very serious nature, it could not escape the adverse impacts of displacement. Living in inhospitable environment under very harsh conditions impoverishes the people physically, psychologically and even emotionally. The Kashmiri Pandits will return to their zenith, some in a shorter time and some in a longer time but their collective survival with all the heritage antecedents is very essential so that the community remains glued to their rich historical past.
The Kashmiri Pandits now comprise of Sub-nuclear family units which is not good as it deprives the offspring of the elderly love and affection as also the education based on long experiences of the family elders. Kashmiri Pandits have also to give some thought to evolve ways and means of living together at one place insulated against the external incursions relating to economic, political and security concerns
The Kashmiri Pandits besides showing their courage should also show their understanding about the importance of staying united and forging forward collectively. Every KP is doing good work, every KP is concerned about the welfare of the community and every KP is playing a leadership role to steer his people through the difficult times. What is however, required that they should give a public expression of their united concern of strengthening and serving their people. One should not live for himself alone but for the society as well.
Communities strengthen their edifice by building economic temples and we need to do it as well. We should build a sound and stable future for ourselves and for that, may be individually or collectively we should channelize our creative entrepreneurial  energies towards building the economic temples which will broaden the opportunities for gainful economic engagement of our youth. Hope and confidence, courage and judgement and a resolve to move forward is the graceful way ahead.
Marching along the time-path, is a long journey of experiences marked by ups and downs. There are lessons to be learned from the oscillating pendulum of fortunes and misfortunes as these lessons come handy in handling the peaks and troughs of life; be it at the individual level or at the collective level. In the fast changing world, the quick response to situations is warranted but not without proper thought. Materialism has its own advantages but it has to be tied to the values of human life.
The greatest scientists of the world had the last word to the humanity of nourishing and preserving the richness of spiritualism besides maintaining the family and social ethos which distinguishes mankind from the animal planet. Hard times are also testing times, and the one who emerge triumphant are the lasting assets for the human society. While in turbulence, KP’s have to pass these tests. The way that KP’s have lived for these years with stoicism and equanimity is commendable. Their silent voices will not go unheard nor will their deep sighs go unfelt because they “also serve who only stand and wait” and stand they will.