Make timely payment

Refer news item ‘Unit holders refuse to repair as Govt fails to release money’ DE Jan 1.
One of the reasons for poor power supply to towns and villages is non-availability of transfers in time. The replacement of damaged transfers takes lot of time, especially in villages. Whenever a transformer is burnt, it takes atleast 10-15 days for the department to replace them with new ones. During this period villages suffer terribly on account of power shortage, though it is not the case with cities, where transformers are replaced within no time due to public outcry and presence of media.
‘Money makes the mare go’ is a well known proverb. Without money no business can be conducted smoothly. So is the case with the unit holders. The unit holders can run their businesses only if timely payment is made to them. The PDD should allocate sufficient funds for this purpose beforehand. At  a time when our life is completely dependent on electricity, people face innumerable hurdles in transacting their day to day business in absence of power.
It is, therefore, in the interest of the State that unit holders are paid on time so that they transact their businesses efficiently.
Yours etc…
Raj Kumar Rasgotra