
Tuesday   Jan 09-2018

Aries : So what if plans that you had earlier made have not materialised. You will make a reassessment today, and by mid-day you will sort out a lot of things which will boost your confidence. Ganesha says such is life and you have to keep on trying till you succeed.

Taurus : In all probability, today you will discover that your family is the foundation of your success, predicts Ganesha. Your dearly loved spouse may try to spice up the relationship in the afternoon and you will be more than willing to reciprocate, expects Ganesha.

Gemini : A great evening with your sweetheart will be the highlight of the day. It will be one of the better days in business; you will be able to earn enough money to save for the future. In the evening, you may have to spend a little extra, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will remain watchful for most part of the day. There may be times when your colleagues may think that you are being overcautious and paranoid. So be it. Ganesha advises you to stick to this approach; soon, the same people will appreciate it at the end of the day. You may have to attend certain social engagements in the evening.

Leo : Champagne, anyone? Well, Ganesha seems to favour a good celebration today as you give a major boost to your reputation in your chosen field. You will bring success and glory to all your associates. Do not be misled by the initial stress of your workplace, as it shall fade away with the passage of day. Let love and affection of your loved ones be the highlight of your day, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha predicts an imaginative and fruitful day for you at the workplace. You will feel your professional best in the afternoon. With your elegance, you will manage to put your ideas across the table and win the approval of your boss. You may pamper your beloved lavishly later in the evening.

Libra : Today, it is rather unlikely that you will get whatever you wish for. Internal strife with people around you may dominate your workplace, but you shall be able to negotiate this tough state of affairs with deftness, predicts Ganesha. Patience is your key to get over psychological turmoil.

Scorpio : Being gregarious may just catch your fancy today, says Ganesha. At work, you will remain fussy about assignments and deadlines. Socially, whom you choose to be with will decide who you are, suggests Ganesha. Evening will be spent in the pleasant company of loved ones.

Sagittarius : Cash transactions will ‘flow’ your way. Money comes easy to itching palms, says Ganesha, and you will enjoy the green scene as you take stock of your finances with precision. Beware of people with a negative attitude as it might inflict worry on your fortunes, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You will be all focused and ready to shoulder the burden of piling work which, by now, would have got unwieldy, foresees Ganesha. In fact, the never-ending work pressure will have frustrated you to such an extent that you wouldn’t mind spending an entire day cracking your brains over each of those dreadful files. But once you call it a day, there will be something exciting to make up for the hours of hard work; your love affair may culminate into physical intimacy. Be at your seductive best and try all you want, but don’t forget the safety measures!

Aquarius : It is not everyday that work is rewarding. So, if your boss praises you, feel good about it. You may even begin something new. A joint venture? Go ahead, says Ganesha. You are exceptionally talented. There is no need to blow your own trumpet, your work will speak for itself.

Pisces : Remaining dispassionate and being cold and clinical is the way to achieve success for you today, says Ganesha. Do not let your sentiments interfere in matters of business, lest you regret it later. The evening may see you feel blue. Find something to do to cheer you up!