DRI busts international hawala racket, arrests Jet crew member

Jet Airways offers EMI payment option to purchase tickets
Jet Airways offers EMI payment option to purchase tickets

NEW DELHI: The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence today claimed to have busted an international hawala racket after arresting two people, including a woman Jet Airways employee who was allegedly trying to smuggle out foreign currency worth over Rs 3 crore.

The DRI officials intercepted the Jet Airways flight attendant when she had boarded a plane that was scheduled to take off for Hong Kong yesterday, the agency said in a statement.

“During examination of her checked in and hand baggage, USD 4,80,200 wrapped in aluminium foil having a market value of Rs 3.25 crore, has been recovered,” it said.

During interrogation, it came to light that the woman was part of a major international hawala syndicate and has carried foreign currencies several times for a Delhi-based hawala operator, who was also arrested from here, it said. (AGENCIES)