Vikram releases Punjabi devotional song video

Vikram Malhotra, general secretary, JKPCC, along with other guests, releasing a Punjabi devotional song video at Jammu.
Vikram Malhotra, general secretary, JKPCC, along with other guests, releasing a Punjabi devotional song video at Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 11: Vikram Malhotra, general secretary, J&K Pardesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), released Punjabi devotional song video devoted to Bawe Wali Chandi Mata, here today.
Sung by famous ‘bhent’ (devotional song) singer, Master Ashish, who hails from Udhampur, the song “Photo Maa Bawe Wali Di Auni Chaidi…” was released at a function organized in Press Club, Jammu, where a number of prominent citizens were present.
Speaking on the occasion, Vikram Malhotra, hoped that the ‘bhent’ singer would continue with his endeavour and come out with more such devotional song numbers in the near future.
It’s important to mention here that the devotional song video has also been produced and directed by Master Ashish. Prominent among those present on the occasion were noted Dogri singer, Surinder Manhas, Mahant Shri Bitta Ji from Shri Bawe Wali Mata Temple, Asha Mata Ji from Shri Chandi Mata Temple, Bari Brahmana and others.
Sahil Mahajan conducted the proceedings of the programme.