Terrace Gardening

Ashok Gupta

In agriculture, a terrace is a place of sloped plane that has been cut into series of successful receding flat surfaces and platforms, which resemble steps of a stair.
In gardening, a terrace is an element where a raised flat paved or graveled section overlooks a prospect. A raised terrace keeps a house dry and provides a transition between, the hard materials of the architecture and softer one of the garden.
Fresh grown flowers and vegetables last long, looks pleasing are delicious and good for health. Growing of flowers and vegetables is an excellent idea both as hobby supplementing with some monthly income.
Ways to grow vegetables and flowers in terrace:-
* In pots
* Raised beds in terrace.
In pots:-You can raise flowers and vegetables, but the pot size should be large and deep. Avoid thin and poor quality pots. If possible you can order for your customized pots.
Raised beds:-In raised beds, we will be able to grow more flowers and vegetables in comparison to pots and containers. You can configure your raised beds as per your need and site, but ensure that before installing or constructing raised beds, the surface below is properly waterproofed.
For growing vegetables certain care is needed, but your experience will find how, when, where and why you should grow them successfully on terrace garden.
Soil mixture (potting Mixture) is the most urgent and important component of growing vegetables and flowers in terrace garden. As you know we have to provide best available nutrients to vegetables and flowers from the less deep soil mixture. A good potting mixture should have
* Air porosity
* water/moisture retention
* Nutrition.
* Support
* Fluffy and light weight soil
* Well draining
* Infection and pest free.
* Free from weed seeds.
For this you can use soil less potting mixture like
Initially it may look a bit costlier.
* Peat-moss, with lime
* Coco peat.
* Vermi compost.
* Bone meal.
* Oil cake
Peat moss:- is a common ingredient for soil mixture, peat moss decomposes very slowly and holds large amount of water. It is highly acidic lime.
Coco peat:-Coir is typically packaged as compressed brick that will expand when mixed with water and helps in storing water.
Vermi compost:-it is an excellent, nutrient rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner.
Bone meal:- is a slaughter house waste, it is rich in calcium, phosphorous. Some people avoid it because of its odour and religious concerns.
Oil cakes:- Oil cakes are the remains of the seeds, because of the nutrient content, they are good fertilizer.
Standard and best soil mixture for pots and terrace garden.
Total Three Part
0.5 Part of peat moss
1.25 Part of coco peat
1.25 Part of Vermi compost
The above article is written as per personnel experience and have raised terraced garden in my house, and has grown, lettuce, knolkhhol, Haag, Palak Methi, beetroot and all the winter flowers including Chrysanthemum, Dahlias, Pansy, Salvia, Ornamental Cabbage, Drumstic Glabrosa, Marigold White, Orange and Yellow.
(The author is former Joint Director Floriculture)