Plight of farmers

Refer article ‘Saga of Indian Farmers’ DE Jan 12, 2018.  The author has nicely brought out the facts as to how the farmers have been treated in the last 70 years and how the present Govt is handling the issues of the farmers. Had the earlier Govts guided the farmers to have less children, their land  would not get divided after every generation. Earlier Govts also failed to guide the farmers about the proper use of fertilisers, pesticides etc. They took credit in paying doles, providing free electricity and waiving  off loans which benefitted bigger farmers more than small and medium farmers. No inome tax on agricultural income is also benefitting big farm houses.
Yours etc….
Surinder Kumar Gupta
on e-mail


The author has presented a true picture of Indian farmer and his sufferings. Indian farmer is in a paradoxical situation. He sells his produce in market at very low prices and buys daily consumption household articles at higher rates. When he purchases various agricultural inputs like seed, fertilizer, pesticdes, various implements etc, the rates are very high and when it is his turn to sell his produce in the market, the rates are very low. This  is real picture of Indian farmer especially of small and marginal farmer. There is no one behind them who could raise voice for their plight. They get noticed by media when they commit suicide. On the  other hand, the  farmers of Australia and New Zealand own private choppers and use them to visit their fields. One can judge their level of development. In India, there are no proper policies regarding farmers and there are no organised associations of farmers. Actually there is mismatch between primary, secondary and service sectors of the economy. Govt should come up with adequate policies for farmers so that Ann Data should be saved from sufferings.
Yours etc…
Mukesh Kumar
Govt. High School
Chakrali, Zone Marh