NHM employees’ strike enters 27th day

NHM employees protesting near statue of Pt Prem Nath Dogra at Dogra Chowk in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
NHM employees protesting near statue of Pt Prem Nath Dogra at Dogra Chowk in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 15: The protest cum strike of National Health Mission (NHM) employees entered into 27th day today. They are demanding the State Government to come up with the proper road map regarding the regularization of their services.
Hundreds of NHM employees including RNTCP and JK State Aids Control Society today on 27th consecutive day assembled here near Press Club and chanted slogans against what they termed as the failure of the Government.  Click here to watch video
Tramboo said that they went from pillar to post to seek justice but unfortunately the Government ignored their plight. “We are serving the department from past several years but the Government seems reluctant to fulfill the demands of thousands of NHM employees”, he added.
He said that the meeting with the Health Minister didn’t yield any positive results. “We demanded a written assurance but he refused. The oral assurances from the authorities from time to time have proved a hoax. We want written assurance”, he said.
Tramboo said they are not going to suspend the strike unless and until their genuine demands are accepted by the State Government in writing with complete acceptance in a time bound manner.
Meanwhile, NHM employees from Punjab including their State president, Dr Inderjeet Singh, Punjab ANM president, Chanchal Bala Bhagat and core committee member, Arjun Kumar also joined the agitating NHM employees at Press Club Jammu and extended their full support to them.
They urged the State Government to concede the demands of NHM employees otherwise employees from neighbouring state Punjab would also join the agitation of NHM employees in Jammu.
Later, some of the NHM employees including president, Rohit Seth, when tried to march towards Civil Secretariat, but their attempt was foiled by the police, who detained them and released after few hours.