inner voice

No Set Solutions Available

Of one is struck with a problem,
This is a situation normal.
There  is no problem with out a solution,
Own solution, no dissolution,
If problems are of different dimensions,
Solutions available are also of various kinds,
But, one has to find,
What solves the problem is a right solution,
Right solution, no dissolution,
To solve the problem, one must have resolution,
Right resolution is a right solution,
Right solution is the right doctor we say,
Resolve  your problem, we pray.
Every individual is suffering from,
Some problem or the other,
Get straight my sisters and brothers,
Solve the problem soon,
Before it is afternoon,
We know problem pricks,
No set solutions clicks,
Solution, is the successful trade trick,
It must click before it further pricks,
Get it right,
Solve the problems less the fight,
Sometimes you got to loose, sometimes tight,
Solve it soon before it becomes terrible plight,
No set solution is every time right.
Col Pramjit (retd)


Problems in this world,
are not many
But a man creates them,
with his own folly
Such  circumstances he creates,
In which life has no taste.
And he suffers.
His own actions
The only cause of decline
Kiran Kanchan

A person like God

He supports me in every aspect of life
I love him but sometimes he is harsh
I respect him, love him very much
He is very nice as such.
He always lends me a helping hand
He teaches me how to alone stand
And faces all my fears
Which rolls up my tears.
He always encourages me to do I wanna do
He teaches meaning of life
Sometimes by being polite
Sometimes as sharp as knife.
He shows me the right ways
to achieve my goal in  future days
He’s like a God and for me best lad
because  he’s none other than
my caring, loving, and dashing dad……..


Toxic and eye watering pollution,
Don’t you know !
You are spoiling your nation.
Pollution the cause of global warming,
Stop it! its the last warning.
Cutting down trees,
Throwing garbage in water,
Making poisonous, the calm breeze,
There’s all litter and litter.
So promise me this time,
India is yours and mine,
Protect mother nature,
If not, you will suffer later !            Brinda Saini