Are you lucky

B.M. Kohli
Luck is everything and people usually say so when  no argument works. Even your parents  and your very dear persons  sometime  use this phrase  in order to hide their mistakes or the one the circumstances make you to suffer. This was the logic  produced before me when I missed selection for a  seat  in the beginning of my career when others  prevailed upon by playing their underground tricks. Another argument  put forth  when you fail to get your targeted goal is to not having achieved your time zone. Mostly the example more familiar is  “what Obama achieved in his fifties, Trump could get it only in his seventies”. This is true also and convincing as well.  So what all matters is the luck  and that is decided by Almighty.  By mentioning luck you are accepting that there is something like bad luck as well. And by bestowing  luck this time the Almighty might have  chosen better side of the coin .  Otherwise, you have no choice other than to say “better luck next time”.  We in this country have never cared  to study  on such  subjects but people abroad have researched enough and I would like to quote a researcher who  teaches in University of Hertfordshire and has written a book “The Luck Factor”. He has used facebook and some other media to arrive at some factors responsible for this so called LUCK. Why do some people have all the luck while others never get the break they deserve ? Why some people always   most probably come in the right place at the right time, while others experience ill fortune? Yes hundreds of  extraordinary men and women and others,  who believed or faced such experiences in their life style and behaviour, were studied and monitored over the years by this author.
The results reveal that although these people have almost no insight into the causes of their luck, their thoughts and behaviour are responsible for much of their good and bad fortune. Taking by chance opportunities,  lucky people mostly  encounter such opportunities  whereas unlucky people do not. He carried out a simple experiment to discover whether this was due to differences in their abilities to spot such opportunities. He gave both lucky and unlucky people a newspaper, and asked them to look through it and tell  how many photographs were inside. He  secretly placed a large message halfway through the newspaper saying: ‘Tell the author  you have seen this and win $50’. The massage was quite clear , but the unlucky people missed it and the lucky people spotted it. He  found that unlucky people are generally more tense than lucky people, and this anxiety disrupts their ability to notice the  pinpointed photographs. On the other side lucky ones consistently encounter such opportunities  whereas the others  miss opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else. In other words to say,  they go to parties with intention  to  find their perfect partner and so miss opportunities to make good friends. Lucky people are more relaxed and open, and therefore see what is there rather than just what they are looking for. His research eventually revealed that lucky people generate good fortune via four principles.
They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and adopt a flexible attitude that transforms bad luck into good. Generally, people do not easily accept luck as a reason for their success as it hurts their hard work and self determination. In this most competitive career world nobody wants to tell luck behind their success. There is a misconception in telling that you are lucky enough in career as if   you did not succeed by your own talent. In reality what is luck say- it is a right opportunity at right time. Even though people do lot of hard work for the given job, and people recognize it as being very lucky.  Although  those words are not to hurt your determination but to tell you that you got a right chance at a right time. In reality, good fortune has a big role to play in all the matters we do. Some say sometime when people succeed, it is because of hard work and  luck has nothing to do with success. In my opinion, I agree that success need hard work, but sometimes luck is important too. As the old saying: no pains, no gains – Success mainly depends on hard work. When we talk about some famous people, we all think they are respectable, because we know, at the back of their success  there is lot of  hard work. Although luck is secondary, we cannot omit it. In fact, to some extent, luck also plays an important role.
Everyone  must have heard the story of an apple and Newton, the apple was Newton`s luck say a  God`s gift. Without that apple, may be Newton must have to spend more time to think and think. May be in our life, people have this kind of experience. Sometimes when you are working on a mathematics problem, you try and try but do not get the answer. May be suddenly sometimes, you will think of something and  find a way, “Ahaa”  the problem is solved. Again luck is something which is the difference between a successful person and non-successful person who is equally talented and has same confidence level. I would like to  add   that we should be thankful to the Almighty  who has made us lucky enough to get the opportunities in life apart from the efforts we put in. We have to accept that all people in this world do not get right chance at right time and they  too believe that luck has played a role. And this is what Almighty has kept in his hand. Luck in life is always uncontrollable. It is also unpredictable. All we have to do is make things work for us in career and try to become lucky. A person’s success is always immeasurable. And he/she is said to be lucky in career only if they overcome all pitfalls, meet right people down the lane, and take a right route to success.