Postpone Panchayat polls: JCCI to Govt

JCCI president Rakesh Gupta addressing a press conference in Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
JCCI president Rakesh Gupta addressing a press conference in Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 6: The Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry today urged upon the State Government to postpone the Panchayat elections in the State.
Addressing a press conference here today, Jammu Chamber president, Rakesh Gupta justifying JCCI demand said that in view of trade and tourism season ahead, the Government should postpone the forthcoming Panchayat elections. Gupta also appealed all the political parties specially in opposition to come forward and render their help while rising above party lines to cooperate for restoration of peace in the State.

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Gupta said the JCCI Jammu would like to advise the ruling political parties and also request the cooperation of political parties in opposition to rise above party politics to make the State a peaceful and fear free destination, keeping in view the sufferings of the people at large and also for the stability of economy post demonetization and GST implementation.
“We appeal to the Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti to delay the holding of Panchayat elections at this crucial juncture for the trade and industry, at the onset of tourism season. The tourism industry  being the back bone of the economy of the State, has suffered continuously because of law and order problems several times. Any decision regarding holding any type of elections would have a cascading effect on the tourism season. We advise the Government to hold such elections only after the month of August,” Gupta said.
“While the hotels have got 15% to 20% bookings in the past in Kashmir,  we expect it to be 100% this year,” the JCCI president claimed.
“Jammu Chamber has decided to launch a movement wherein the Chamber shall call upon the leadership of all political parties and seek their cooperation to maintain peace and welcome the guests from other parts of India and abroad for leisure / adventure/ sports,  holidays and pilgrimage. He said the JCCI  is in talks with the KCCI and may soon jointly call upon the Hurriyat leadership to appeal them to cooperate in this matter and not call for `bandhs’ which would be practically a genuine and realistic gesture for the welfare of the people of the State. He said  bridging gaps between the three regions Jammu, Kashmir and Ladahk was the need of the hour and both the Chambers shall leave no stone unturned to make strong bonding between the three regions a reality.
Other office bearers, Rajesh Gupta, Rajiv Gupta, Gaurav Gupta and Ashu Gupta also accompanied.