Jammu gears up for Regional Councils

M M Khajooria
The release of Booklet “ Concept and contours of Regional Autonomy” encompassing my vision of Regional Council on 21st of January in the  Jammu Press club in the presence of  intellectuals and eminent members of civil society   has evoked tremendous response. People, especially the youth have expressed interest and   support. It was gratifying to note that many asked penetrating questions and  expressed their misgivings which were  addressed to their  satisfaction. Many undertook to share the Blue print  of Regional councils  with their  friends and muster support. The issue is being talked about in all kinds of congregations.
Couple of days after the release of the Booklet, I received a call from Rajinder of Jourian, a Sahitye Academy Awardee . He conveyed that in depth discussion with his friends and colleagues they  find themselves in total agreement with my projection. As the Booklet is in English, he wanted to know whether the “creamy layer was our only target?” When informed that the matter was engaging our attention  and we plan to have the text translated into Hindi there was a moments’ silence on the line . Then he offered to     take up the  task of translation , If you have no objection”.? I heartily welcomed his offer. We thus moved from support to involvement of the young and the intellectuals. Many young men apart from The ‘Team Jammu  already associated with the campaign   have  joined the  ranks..
On the Republic Day Reception in the Raj Bhawan, a senior political leader from Ladakh walked up to me and demanded what I had in mind for that region? As the existence of Hill Development Councils for Kargil and “Ladakh”  has created a different situation, we agreed to discuss the matter with the caveat the the issue has finally to be resolved by leaders of Kargil and Ladakh with a view to resurrect the dormant institution of the Frontier Region.
And then comes a well researched and well reasoned article “Regional Councils or State hood”( Excelsior ,3/2/2018) by Col.JP Singh  pushing the issue for debate in the Print Media. These are definite signs of the Campaign for Regional Councils on track and picking up momentum.
It is Obvious that the fact  of discrimination against Jammu needs no reiteration. The failure or inability of BJP to stand up for the rights of Jammu and provoke agitations on issues its own cadres would have supported makes the present constitutional arrangement untenable and intolerable.  Change has be brought about and now.
As far as the option between the Statehood for Jammu and my concept of Regional Councils is concerned, I would prefer to stress on the merit of the later. First. the integrity of the State  and three well recognized regions of Ladakh, Kashmir and Jammu is preserved intact. This, I firmly believe is in the national interest, the interests of the people of three regions and  guarantees   inclusive social structure , and mutually beneficial partnership that has stood the test of times for  over one hundred and seventy years. Second, it provides for empowerment of regions through constitutionally mandated and democratically elected councils. Through the process of democratic decentralization, the District is defined as the focal point of administration managed by fully democratic Zilla Parishis. The present archaic system of placing a Minister at the head of Zila Boards would be given a go bye. Third the regional administration will be managed by the Chief Executive Councilor with the assistance of number of  Executive Councilors.  Fourth. Regional secretariats will be established for running administration headed by an officer of the rank of Chief Secretary. Fifth subjects of critical concerns to the people like Education, Employment, Development, Healthcare, Power development, PHE, Agriculture, Horticulture, Natural Resources, tourism  will be on the Regional list. Finally, the Model that I have placed in the public domain  for serious open minded debate with a view to evolve a consensus on this vital issue has the merit of being equally applicable to Kashmir and Jammu regions- no scope for hegemony, no cause for rancor.
I believe that  the creation of Regional Councils in the shape and style suggested by me  can and will lead to better inter- regional co-operation and mutual dependence. Instead of blame games  we  should and could be partners in th quest for progress and prosperity.- a win, win situation for all.
(The author is former Director General of Police)