Dr Narinder for early establishment of Veterinary University

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 12: BJP general secretary Dr Narinder Singh today said that State Government has constituted a committee to work out the modalities and financial implications for the establishment of a Horticulture University in Jammu and Kashmir vide Government Order number 235/GAD of 2018 dated 09.02.2018.
While terming it a good step, he however wanted to know about the fate of Veterinary  University, for the establishment of which the Government had constituted the Committee in 2014 vide Government order number 771/GAD of 2014 dated 16.07.2014 under chairmanship of Chief Secretary J&K and it is calm about its report.
In this regard series of meetings have taken place under the chairmanship of B.B. Vyas Chief Secretary said Dr Singh, State general secretary BJP. However, the outcome of these meetings for establishment of the Veterinary University has not been reflected in practical and no action has been taken till date by the State Government. To our surprise Government has constituted a committee to work out modalities for establishment of Horticultural University without announcing the recommendations  of the  committee for establishment of Veterinary University, wondered Dr Narinder Singh.
Dr Singh asked the Government to announce the establishment of Veterinary University at Jammu at an earliest. He said, the livestock sector is an important component of State’s economy providing livelihood security to lakhs of people especially Schedule Tribes and residents of boarder areas. He further said that the Central Government in 2018-19 Budget has also proposed for fisheries and aquaculture, animal husbandry a dedicated Corpus Fund of Rs 10,000 crore hence there should be no delay in announcement of the Veterinary University.