MHA to go ahead with bunkers’ construction by Central agency

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Feb 21: The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), headed by BJP veteran Rajnath Singh, has reportedly decided to go ahead with construction of bunkers in Jammu through Central Public Works Department (CPWD).
Official sources told the Excelsior that soon after the MHA, which had approved Rs 415.71 crore for construction of 1431 community and 13092 individual bunkers on December 14, 2017, decided to allot work to Central Government’s construction agency, the CPWD, for speedy execution of the project, the Jammu and Kashmir Government had shot off a letter to the MHA saying the State was competent to undertake the project through its construction agencies.
However, according to sources, the MHA after giving due thought to the State Government request, has decided to go ahead with construction of bunkers by the CPWD as it believed that the Central construction agency would be able to implement the project speedily. The CPWD was earlier also engaged with several projects along the International Border including fencing and had experience of working there.
“The Central Government has now asked the State Government to identify locations in all five border districts of Jammu region including Jammu, Samba, Kathua, Rajouri and Poonch for construction of bunkers, both individual and community, and submit the list to the MHA as early as possible to facilitate start of the work,’’ sources said, adding that Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh was very particular for earlier start and completion of the project as there was no let up ceasefire violations by Pakistan army on the LoC though the IB has been calm for the past about one month.
When approached for comments, Union Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) Dr Jitendra Singh, who had taken up the initiative of construction of bunkers for the border dwellers, said: “as there was delay on part of the State Government in starting work on construction of bunkers, we approached the MHA, which has agreed to take up the work through the Central agency, the CPWD, for speedy implementation of the project.
Sources said work on construction of bunkers would begin simultaneously in all five border districts once the State Government submits the list of locations, where community and individual bunkers for the border dwellers will be constructed.
“The Government of India wants to expedite the project for construction of bunkers as this was only Phase-I in which 1431 community and 13092 individual bunkers have been approved by the MHA at the cost of Rs 415.71 crore. Once the project is initiated, the Centre would come up with Phase-II of the project. The ultimate approach of the MHA is to cover each and every people living within shelling and firing range of Pakistan army on both LoC and IB.
As per the proposal cleared by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, the individual bunkers would have capacity of eight members each while community bunkers would accommodate 40 persons each.
Rajnath had announced a total of 19,000 individual and 4700 community bunkers for the people of five border districts of Jammu region during his visit to Nowshera sector on the Line of Control on his four-day tour of Jammu and Kashmir from September 9 to 12, 2017.
Out of 19,000 individual bunkers, the Union Home Minister has cleared construction of 13029 bunkers and out of 4700 community bunkers, 1431 have been cleared for construction.
Construction of bunkers had been a long standing demand made by the BJP even when the party was not in power. However, it was only the Modi Government which took cognizance of the demand and moved forward on it. Not only this, sources said, initially the plan was to construct only the Community bunkers, but on a demand from certain sections for construction of Individual bunkers, the Union Home Ministry decided to fund a combination of both Community bunkers as well as Individual bunkers, as and where feasible.
Sources disclosed out that the bunkers would be equipped with all facilities like kitchen and bathrooms and adequate ventilation to ensure that the people could stay there even for a longer period in case of any eventuality. A number of civilians have become victims of Pakistan shelling and firing during the past about 10 months on both LoC and IB.
It may be mentioned here that during his four-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir from September 9 to 12 this year, Rajnath had also visited Nowshera sector along the LoC in Rajouri district, which was then worst affected by Pakistan army’s mortar shelling and firing, and announced construction of 19,000 individual and 4700 community bunkers for the border dwellers of five districts. He had announced that cost of all bunkers would be borne by the MHA.
Later, the MHA had set up high-level Study Group headed by Special Secretary (Internal Security) Rina Mitra to assess other problems of the border dwellers. The Group had visited all five border districts and gave its preliminary findings to the Union Home Minister.