Sanctioned in 2014, e-Assembly Project yet to be rolled out

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Feb 22: The much-talked about e-Assembly Project aimed at end-to-end computerization and reducing dependence on the paper could not be rolled out despite lapse of over three years due to lack of coordination between National Informatics Centre (NIC) and Secretariat of State Legislature.
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that e-Assembly Project worth Rs 3.57 crore was sanctioned in the year 2014 and an amount of Rs 2.59 crore was released in the favour of State by the Central Government while as an amount of Rs 97 lakh was released by the State Government as its share.
The project was envisaged for end-to-end computerization of the Assembly processes so that paper work can be reduced, time is saved and Assembly members can put their questions in online format and complete digitization of Assembly can be done.
The task was entrusted to the National Informatics Centre (NIC) for execution within shortest possible time. As a part of the project, even iPads were distributed to the law makers and Ministers and even training of the staff of the Legislature was conducted with the active participation of the Information Technology Department to acquaint them with the usage of the e-Assembly software.
However, the project could not be rolled out despite lapse of over three years mainly because of lack of coordination between NIC and Secretariat of Legislature, sources said while disclosing that complete integration of e-Assembly software with the internal process of the Secretariat of Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council could not be done till date.
The trial of e-Assembly Project was to be conducted during the just concluded Budget Session but delay in complete integration of software with the internal process of the Assembly and Council played the spoilsport, sources said, adding due to this entire expenditure made on development of software, purchase of hardware and distribution of iPads among the MLAs, MLCs, Administrative Secretaries and other concerned officers failed to yield any positive result.
This is notwithstanding the fact that in a meeting convened by Speaker Legislative Assembly Kavinder Gupta prior to start of Budget Session it was informed that NIC was ready with Question Answer Management System of the software and work flow section of the program will be automated within days, sources said.
The Speaker had directed the concerned officers to maintain a strong coordination regarding the project related issues and come up with findings and results to remove obstacles that create hindrances in accomplishing the project.
As the trial could not be conducted, the Information Technology Department vide Government Order No.02-ITD dated February 8, 2018 constituted a committee to conduct an enquiry as to why the National Informatics Centre, J&K Unit failed to develop the e-Assembly software as per the requirements of the user agency which led to wastage of time and money.
The committee headed by Director Finance, Information Technology Department had to submit the report within 15 days but it has yet not completed the enquiry despite the fact that the deadline is expiring tomorrow, sources said.
When contacted, an officer of the IT Department said, “the main software for the project was imported from Rajasthan and the customization of the software for inclusion of Legislative Council module took time as the Rajasthan Assembly is unicameral while as J&K Legislature is bicameral”.
“Now efforts have been made to ensure that NIC and Secretariat of Legislature work in tandem to resolve the pending issues”, he said and claimed that project will be rolled out during next session of State Legislature.
It is pertinent to mention here that under the e-Assembly Project the questions raised during the session will be uploaded and respective Secretaries will be able to download the same and subsequently upload their answers through online system. Moreover, the speeches, budget, resolution and other related information will be able on website.