Pak post razed across Poonch, all inside dead

A mortar shell fired by Pakistan army in Uri sector on Thursday.

175 militants ready for infiltration: IG BSF

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU/SRINAGAR, Feb 22: Army today destroyed a Pakistani post on the Line of Control (LoC) in Balnoi sub sector of Poonch district while Indo-Pak troops traded heavy shelling in Uri sector of North Kashmir’s Baramulla district forcing the administration to shift dozens of families from near the LoC.
Sources told the Excelsior that Indian Army destroyed a Pakistani post opposite Balnoi sub sector in Poonch district after observing movement of suspected militants, who had been camping there with a view to infiltrate into the Indian territory.
“The post was razed to ground,’’ sources said, adding that all Pakistani troopers inside the post were believed dead. However, so far, there was no official confirmation of Pakistani casualties.
Normally a Pakistani post has three to four soldiers, they said.
According to sources, the Indian action against Pakistani troops was necessitated as Pakistani troops could have aided infiltration attempt by the militants.
Army has been maintaining high alert all along the LoC in twin border districts of Poonch and Rajouri following presence of militants across the LoC and reports that they could attempt infiltration under the cover of ceasefire violations.
Meanwhile, Army and Pakistani troops traded heavy shelling in Uri sector of North Kashmir’s Baramulla district today forcing the administration to shift dozens of families from near the Line of Control (LoC).
A senior official said that Pakistani troops suffered heavy damage in the sector as Army fired rockets and mortars in response to Pakistani ceasefire violation. He, however, said that exact estimated loss is not known.
Pakistani troops targeted Army posts at Hatlanga, Churanda and Tika Post along the LoC in Uri sector of North Kashmir’s Baramulla district early today. “Pakistan troops started firing at around 8:00 am which was responded strongly by the soldiers manning the LoC in the sector”, the official said.
The firing from both the sides continued throughout the day during which both the sides used rockets and mortars besides firing from heavy machine guns.
The terror stricken residents in the shelling hit areas remained indoors to avoid casualties. Two houses suffered minor damage in the shelling at Churanda near the LoC.
The intensity of the cross-border shelling was such that villagers living near the LoC were shifted to safety by the Police and local administration.
An official said that around 25 families living in Tillawari, Silikote and Balkote comprising of 120 people were shifted from their areas. He said that around 80 people have been accommodated in Higher Secondary School Uri and over 35 people have shifted to their relatives places.
A woman was injured in Churanda village as Pakistani troops violated ceasefire in Uri sector three days ago. Pakistani troops targeted Indian posts of 17 Jaat Regiment along LoC at Pika Post in Churanda area of Uri and Army fired back inflicting casualties on Pakistani troops.
And two days ago Pakistani troops sniped a BSF man in Tanghdar sector of LoC killing him. This led to heavy firing between India and Pakistani troops in Tanghdar sector yesterday.
In the meantime, Inspector General of Border Security Force (BSF), Sonali Mishra, today said here that troops are on high alert after inputs that 175 militants are waiting for infiltration in Pakistani Occupied Kashmir (POK).
“We have a high level of alertness here but we have raised the alertness for infiltration, BAT action, firing, and sniping. We are always ready as nearly 175 militants are ready on the launching pads for infiltration. “, she said.
Mishra said that all the agencies are alert and ready to counter any attack. She said that Pakistan always tries to disrupt the peace and prosperity of India and use different tactics including ceasefire violations, sniping and BAT action. “In order to disrupt the peace in the hinterland, they carry infiltration”, she said.
“Ceasefire violation has always happened and we cannot deny the fact that Pakistan uses it as a strategy to carry infiltration”, the BSF IG said.
She said that the BSF and Army gave a befitting reply to the ceasefire violations yesterday. “As per our reliable sources, they have suffered two casualties”, she added.
“The militants are always active and they do not miss a single chance to infiltrate to this side. As there is less snow the attempts of infiltration are more. But, BSF is a capable force and ready for any challenge”, she said.
In the meantime, a soldier was injured in Paribal area of Hajin in North Kashmir’s Bandipora district this morning after militants opened fire on a search party.
An official said that 31 RR of Indian Army, Special Operations Group of Jammu and Kashmir Police launched a cordon and search operation in Paribal area of Hajin early today after inputs about the presence of militants.
He said that militants hiding in the village opened fire after a search party approached them, leaving a solider, Gobind Singh, of 31 RR injured.
The militants escaped from the site after exchanging fire under the cover of darkness. Sources said that the security forces had information about presence of four militants in the village.
Meanwhile, people took to streets and staged protests in a bid to help the militants escape.