Gas tragedy: Rallies held, compensation demanded for victims

BHOPAL, Dec 3: As the city observed the 28th anniversary of the Bhopal gas disaster today, various organisations working for the cause of the people affected by it held rallies while criticising the government for not doing anything for the victims.

Even after 28 years the disaster, no one has been punished for it and the victims given only inadequate compensation, Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Udyog Sanghthan convenor Abdul Jabbar said.

Criticising both the central and the Madhya Pradesh governments, Jabbar alleged that it appeared that instead of helping the gas victims the two governments were trying to protect multi-national companies.

“It is because of this attitude that the then Chief Executive Officer of the Union Carbide, Warren Anderson, has not been brought to India so far to face trial here,” he said.

The day began with an all-religion prayer meeting, which is held on this day every year since December 1984 to pay homage to the victims.

A number of other organisations working for the gas victims also took out processions and held meetings demanding justice for the gas victims.

After Jabbar’s speech, members of the Sangthan marched towards state Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s residence to submit a memorandum about their long-pending demands, including adequate compensation and speedy trial of gas-related cases.

On the intervening night of December 2-3, 1984, deadly methyl isocyanate gas leaked from the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, killing over 3,000 people and injuring lakhs of others in the world’s worst industrial disaster.

Jabbar said seven years back when Chouhan became the Chief Minister, the gas victims had a lot of hopes from him. “But, during these seven years, Chouhan had belied all the hopes that gas victims had rested in him,” he alleged.

There was not much difference between the Congress and the BJP as far as the gas victims were concerned, he said.

The struggle of the gas victims has been going on for 28 years, he said adding that it will continue till they get justice.

Meanwhile, the gas victims’ march towards the Chief Minister’s residence was stopped by police near Kamla Park where the rallyists were detained.

Jabbar and his associates will meet the Chief Minister later in the day to discuss their long-pending demands and submit a memorandum on the issue. (PTI)