China posing grave threat to Indian manufacturing industry: Ram Madhav

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 3:- Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) today refused to give any opinion on nomination of Gujarat Chief Minister, Narinder Modi as BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate as proposed by Leader of Opposition Sushma Swaraj saying it is the internal matter of the Party.
At an informal chat with media persons at the sidelights of a seminar on India-China relations after 1962 war here, this evening, the RSS senior national leader, Ram Madhav said since it is the internal matter of the BJP Sangh will have no comment on this.
On the corruption charges against BJP national president, Nitin Gadkari, Ram Madhav said that the matter should be investigated to ascertain the facts.
Strongly opposing the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India, he said that political parties should clear their stand on the issue as some of them lack forceful opposition to FDI, which will pose a threat to domestic market.
Later while delivering his lecture at the seminar the RSS leader made a dig at Union Government for its weak-kneed policies towards neighboring China, which has annexed a large portion of Indian territory.
He said the neighboring country has become a potential threat to India as Central Government right from 1962 failed to adopt a concrete policy to retaliate China.
Expressing grave concern over the entry of Chinese goods in Indian market at a large scale, he said India has not only suffered a humiliating defeat through the hands of China in 1962 war but with 60 billion dollar import from China the neighboring country rules the Indian market now.
Ram Madhav said in the coming cyber war India too will be weak before China as in Conventional war the nation is also weak as compared to China, which has established concrete structure along Indian border and also runs a train service through border area.
Not only this, the Chinese Army has sophisticated weapons, arms as well as uniforms, he added.
Cautioning the Union Government against the Chinese game plans, he said the neighboring country is working diplomatically and to counter India it has established good neighborly relations with Pakistan.
Rejecting any give and take formula with China on areas annexed by it, Mr Madhav said this way China was hoodwinking India as it has forcibly occupied Indian territory and hence no question of give and take arises. “The GoI should in categorical terms tell China to vacate its territory occupied by that country” he added.
Strongly advocating for implementation of 1994 Parliament resolution he said Government should in forcefully tell Pakistan and China to vacate the areas forcibly occupied by the two countries.
In his presidential address Brig Deepak Badyal regretted that the blunders made by India in 1962 war with China are still repeated and this is going to have serious repercussions. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr Baskar while the state was managed by Abhay Pargal.