777 incidents of infiltration in J&K, 94 terrorists killed

There were 777 incidents of infiltration into Jammu and Kashmir in which 94 terrorists were killed by security forces in past two years, the Rajya Sabha was informed today.
Union Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju said there were 16 incidents of infiltration into Punjab in which seven terrorists were killed and 11 others were apprehended in past two years.
Replying to a written question, Rijiju said there were 406 cases of infiltration into Jammu and Kashmir in 2017 in which 59 terrorists were killed.
In 2016, there were 371 incidents of infiltration into the State in which 35 militants were killed and three were arrested, he said.
The Minister said security forces have been carrying out effective domination through round-the-clock surveillance, patrolling, border ambushes and by deploying observation posts along the International Borders of the country.
“The riverine segments of international borders of the country are being patrolled and dominated with the help of water crafts/speed boats/floating Border Out Posts (BOPs) of Border Security Force (BSF) water wings,” he said.
Rijiju said introduction of force multipliers and hi-tech surveillance equipment fully-equipped with day and night vision devices have enhanced the border domination.
“Vulnerability mapping of entire border has been made a continuous process based on which sensitive spots are identified and adequate measures are taken to further strengthen security in these spots,” he said.
The Minister said it has also been decided to deploy technological solutions in the form of Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System (CIBMS), on a pilot basis to begin with, in different terrains on India-Pakistan border and India-Bangladesh border.
The technological solutions are based on integration of sensors and surveillance equipment like radars, day and night vision cameras etc. In a network architecture with command and control system, he said.
There were 4,799 stone-pelting incidents and 872 terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir in past three years.
Union Minister of State for Home Hansraj Gangaram Ahir said 730 incidents of stone pelting were reported in 2015. In 2016, he said, 2,808 such incidents were reported, and in 2017, the incidents numbered 1,261.
In a written reply to a question, he said there were 208 incidents of terrorist violence in Jammu and Kashmir in 2015, 322 in 2016 and 342 such incidents in 2017.
Twenty-nine Army personnel lost their lives in nine terror attacks on defence stations and Army camps in Jammu and Kashmir since 2015, the Government informed the Lok Sabha today.
Twenty terrorists were killed and two civilians lost their lives in the attacks, Minister of State for Defence Subhash Bhamre said in a written response to a question in the Lower House.
The highest casualty was in 2016, when a group of terrorists stormed an Army camp in Uri, resulting in the death of 26 personnel.
This year, one terror attack was reported on an Army camp in Jammu, claiming the lives of six Army personnel.
The Government today said it had sanctioned a Rs 2,000-crore compensation package for the refugees from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) living in Jammu and Kashmir.
In a written statement, Union Minister of State for Home Hansraj Gangaram Ahir told the Rajya Sabha that the financial package was sanctioned on December 22, 2016.
He said 36,384 families were provided Rs 5.5 lakh each.
“The Government of India provided a financial assistance of Rs 5.5 lakh per family to 36,384 displaced families of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) area (1947) and Chhamb (1965 and 1971) living in Jammu and Kashmir,” Ahir said.
He added that based on the details provided by the Jammu and Kashmir Government, the ministry had disbursed a total amount of Rs 465.5 crore to 9,537 families directly to their Aadhaar-linked bank accounts up to last month.
Asked whether any financial compensation package had been provided to the Hindu refugees who had migrated from Bangladesh, the Minister said, “No such proposal is under consideration.” (PTI)