Basharat Bukhari invited by French delegation to nurture ties with JK in horticulture sector

NEW DELHI: Minister for Horticulture, Syed Basharat Ahmed Bukhari has been invited by a business delegation accompanying the French President Emmanuel Macron to nurture business ties in the horticulture sector of Jammu and Kashmir.

Having an interaction with business delegation, the French company Absoger, the delegation apprised the Minister about Absoger system Palicontrol – which has been developed to allow to store various fruits and vegetables in controlled atmosphere in one or further cold rooms. They told the Minister that Palicontrol is easy to implement and to use.

The French delegation further informed the Minister about their company and told him that Absoger is operating from last 30 years and it controlled atmosphere allows storing some fruits and vegetables two or three times longer than normal atmosphere and keeping a better freshness and a much better firmness.

The Minister sought the details of the technology to make the fruits for longer time. He asked the delegation about the beliefs of their latest technology and how would people get wooed by it.

Bukhari asked the company associates to send him a detailed presentation about this project so that they would go ahead with it.

Bukhari told them that right now state is annually producing 5000 metric tonnes of fruit and state is focusing on saving and storing the product using modern technology.

The Minister appraised the delegation that as of now the state of Jammu and Kashmir has many cold storage plants but expressed the need for more such units.