No hydrological data from China in 2017, India monitoring water flow in trasns-border rivers

NEW DELHI:  Government continues to carefully monitor the water flow in the trans-border rivers, including Brahmaputra and Sutlej for early detection of any abnormality, the Lok Sabha was today informed.

In a written response to a question in the Lok Sabha, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said under the existing bilateral Memorandums of Understanding, China provides to India hydrological data information of Brahmaputra river (Yarlong Zanbo in Chinese) and Sutlej river (Langqen Zangbo in Chinese) during the flood seasons.

The Chinese side did not provide these data in 2017 and the issue was also taken up with Beijing, which had conveyed that non-provision of the information was due to technical reasons.

“Government continues to carefully monitor the water flow in trans-border rivers, including Brahmaputra and Sutlej rivers, for early detection of any abnormality so that corrective and preventive measures are taken to safeguard livelihood of the people in these regions (from where the river passes through),” Swaraj said.

In response to another question on whether China is digging a 1,000 km long tunnel to divert water of the Brahmaputra to its dry Xinjiang region, V K Singh, Minister of State in the External Affairs Ministry said the Chinese side has conveyed to India on several occasions that they are only undertaking run-of-the-river hydro-projects which do not involve diversion of waters of the river.

Replying to a question on Palestine, M J Akbar, Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs, said India hopes for early resumption of peace talks between Palestinian and Israeli sides to move towards finding a comprehensive solution.

“The Government have always remained supportive of peaceful resolution of the Palestinian issue. India has been unwavering in its support for the Palestinian cause,” Akbar added. (AGENCIES)