JAC to launch protracted struggle for rights of exiled Pandits

The members of newly framed JAC by KPs at a press conference at Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
The members of newly framed JAC by KPs at a press conference at Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 15:  Failure of successive State and Central Governments to find an everlasting solution to the problem of exiled Pandits, various organizations of displaced Pandits have joined hands and formed a Joint Action Committee (JAC)  to launch a protracted struggle for their rights.
This was announced at a press conference here, today by Kiran Wattal convener , Vishaw Kashmiri Pandit Samaj (VKPS) who played a pivotal role in bringing the KP organizations on one platform.
Wattal said that plight of Kashmiri Pandits is totally miserable and successive Governments during last 28 years of their displacement have failed to take a bold initiative for their return and rehabilitation in their homeland in Valley.
He said 28 years is a substantial period of the life of a human being and it is shameful that the political parties who remained in power during this period instead of giving justice to this hapless community have followed the appeasement policy towards the secessionist forces.
Making a dig at BJP too, he said the Party which earlier had promised sky to the community totally turned its back towards them after coming to power at the Centre and in the State. The MPs of the party from the State should plead the cause of these hapless people as how long more will they lead the exiled life, he added.
The Government should take initiative on Health Insurance and Temples Bill, he said, adding have not the exiled Pandits any right on the land of Kashmir which they have nurtured with their blood for centuries together.

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He wanted to know why the Government is not evolving a concrete policy on the permanent rehabilitation of over seven lakh exiled Pandits in the Valley and how long will it follow the dictates of secessionists.
Wattal, while commenting on controversy created over the Bollywood movie to be shooted on Kashmir, said J A C of Pandits will extend full support in shooting of the picture provided the producer discusses the script with prominent people of the community.
He said KPs will welcome such a movie if it will be a live film based on facts which led to the mass exodus of the community and atrocities committed on its members by the terrorists and their sympathizers.
He however warned that Pandits will take to streets and will not allow the screening of the film if it will be one like Mission Kashmir. “We will welcome the movie if it screens  the carnages of Wandhhama, Chatisingpora, Nadimarg, Sarla who was cut into pieces on bend saw and other factual happenings”, he added.
Wattal made it clear that JAC does not want that the producer of the film should offend Muslims of Valley who too are fed up with terrorism and are craving for peace but it is up to him that how he (producer) can balance the things.
He also criticized the Relief authorities for issuing a notification asking Pandits to participate in shooting of the film and said on what ground the notification was issued.
Wattal complimented Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti for issuing instructions to concerned DCs of Valley asking them to make proper arrangements for the Kheer Bhawani pilgrims last year and he expressed the hope that this year she will also do the same.
The other heads of the Organizations including M K Bangroo a senior journalist, Anil Dhar and M K Yogi leaders of NC, M K Jalali, president Sharika Peeth Subash Nagar, Rakesh Kaul president Sampooran Kashmir,  Aryan Ramesh of AIKS, Kamal Chandpuri  Dr R L Dhar, Trustee Durga Nag Trust, Sheela Handoo, BJP leader, Kuldeep Pandita of Thinkers Forum, Nanajee Watal of PDP, Parvez Hilal Bukhari Political Migrant Front, Anita Chandpori, D N Koul of Zeshta Devi Committee, Bharti Koul, Shoki Lidoo, Rohit Bhat, Pintoo Ji of Global Solace and many others said they have resolved  to launch united struggle for their rights.