Release detained Kishtwar youth immediately : Dr. Jitendra

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 5: Expressing concern and warning against continued detention of the Kishtwar youth from minority community on basis of unsubstantiated charges relating to an alleged facebook offence, BJP J&K Chief Spokesperson & National Executive Member Dr. Jitendra Singh has called upon the State authorities to immediately intervene so that the situation does not lead to communal disharmony in the sensitive region of Kishtwar, Doda and Ramban traditionally known for being peaceful and brotherhood among the various communities. He called for immediate release and reinstatement of these youth to their respective jobs.
In a statement issued here today, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that the one hand the Human Rights organizations take cognizance of even minor so-called violations by security forces against militants, on the other hand no attention is being paid to the innocent youth of minority community who are under continued illegal police custody for last around two months. He said that there seems a deep rooted conspiracy hatched by Pakistani agencies in connivance with Kashmir separatist groups to instigate communal unrest in the region and the State Coalition Government is further aggravating the situation because of its policy of appeasement towards a handful of separatists.
Dr. Jitendra Singh further alleged that while these innocent youth continued to be in custody and authorities have recommended PSA against them, no action was taken against those who played communal card, raised pro-Pakistan slogans and held the Kishtwar town to ransom in order to pressurize the authorities to prosecute the youth from minority community. By succumbing to the pressure from communal and extremist elements, the Coalition Government has send out a very dangerous signal, he added Dr Jitendra said on the one hand Coalition Government talks of rehabilitating former militants and youth returning from Pakistan, on the other hand it is bent upon applying PSA on innocent youth from minority community. Dr. Jitendra Singh said it is a strange paradox that while National Conference and Congress leaders accuse the BJP of being communal, it is they themselves who are responsible for encouraging communal elements.
He further said that the party will be compelled to resort to protest and agitational methods if the demand to release and reinstate these Kishtwar youth is not met with immediately .