PNB Fraud

From the street to the country’s highest court, all feel extremely concerned over the alleged loot of Rs eleven thousand four hundred crores by Nirav Modi, a businessman of a wide stature. Financial indiscipline and corruption are cousins (co-related) in many ways. Role of corruption before and after such cases is considered significant even to affect investigation and inquiries. Had stringent measures taken to bring to book  people like Vijay Malya and numerous others in the list of such guys, the current loot of hundreds of crores of rupees wouldn’t have taken place. The country, like ours, is unable to bear such irreparable losses. On one side, the masses are unable to meet both ends in these hard days, and on the other side, there are scams and embezzlements in crores. How the condition of the masses will improve remains a big question? Such an erosion in character and moral values, is greatly disturbing and distressing. If even small scale corruption and financial irregularities are detectable, it is surprising how such big frauds can go un-noticed for years together. To curb such tendencies, all sort of measures are considered inadeqate if the economy of the country is  to be kept unharmed. The case should be taken as an eye-opener for the times to come.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)