Seminar on role of women in nation building held

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 7: A seminar on the topic “Role of women in developing the personality of a human being and nation building” was organised by J&K Chapter of Mahila Samanvaya led by Mamata Singh here this evening.
The main objective of the seminar was to educate the women about their importance and role in nation building. National president of Mahila Samanvaya Geeta Tai Gundi was the chief guest and main speaker on the occasion.
She said women are in no way inferior to men and at occasions they have proved to be more superior than them. She sited various examples where women have displayed their ability as well as intelligence and proved as important as men in this male dominated society.
She said the role of woman as mother is unparallel in the society. Her impact on the tender minds of the children serves as a stair of success in their lives, she added.
He said woman in the form of goddess of wealth is called Lakshmi. She is goddess of knowledge called Saraswati. She is mother, she is daughter, she is wife and what not, she added.
She also described the role played by great women in the world who proved that they were in no way inferior to men in the society.
Geeta Tai Gundi said though women has every capability and capacity to dominate any field in the life, the need of hour is to give her due status in the society and rest will all follow.
“The importance of women in society can be judged from the fact that it has been an accepted fact that after every successful man there is a woman” she said, adding this shows that a woman is inspiration, she is energy and she is leader.
Mamta Singh while highlighting the role of women said that it is woman who played a pivotal role preserving and inducing the social and cultural values among the family members to lay the foundation of a strong society.
Prof Posh Charak who was the guest of honour said that woman has will to sacrifice for the well being of family, society and the nation. History is witness to the fact what whenever there were crisis, the women never sat behind but worked shoulder to shoulder with men in bringing the society and nation out of these crisis.
RSS Prant Sangh Chalak Brig (retd) Suchet Singh graced the occasion as guest of honour.
Ex corporator Priya Sethi presented vote of thanks.