SP South, others distribute clothes among slum dwellers

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 1: An event of mutual sharing and understanding between children from privileged and underprivileged sections was organised by DOT.ING with assistance provided by Jammu Kashmir Police.
DOT.ING and Jammu Kashmir Police extend a helping hand to the underprivileged children. The team visited slum areas around Sainik Colony. The team comprised of Arsh Mir, Alina Mir, Mudabbir, Vidur, Sheen Sony, Alam Shabab, Vani and Mohammad Raza. It is pertinent to mention here that none of the team member is older than 16 years of age. The team was accompanied by SP South Jammu Sandeep Chaudhary.
Arsh Mir, a young student, aged 13 expressed that this initiative is a small effort on their part to extend their happiness to others. He expressed gratitude to his parents for teaching him the art of sharing.
Beautiful toys, clothes, eatables and other items were shared with children from the slum. Alina said that this initiative is the need of the hour because the future can not be left in hands of government alone. “Every citizen has to contribute. The role of children is very important in this exercise of equal development”.
Sandeep Chaudhary expressed his happiness for the effort made by children. He was of the opinion that such young children present a beautiful example to others.
“Children can stay away from drugs and other unwanted activities and concentrate on making lives of others better by contributing in whatever manner possible. Such efforts go a long way in changing the divisive discourse more prevalent in the society. If the haves and have nots share their sorrows and joys, the world can become a more beautiful place”, he added. The team members of DOT.ING were requested to include education of slum children as prime motive of their initiative in future.