That promoting terrorism is the avowed state policy of Pakistan with no let up, has been buttressed by the American military and intelligence authorities who fear that it was going to jeopardize the American efforts to take on insurgency in Afghanistan. The dreaded terror groups, Taliban and the Haqqani continue to enjoy safe havens in Pakistan.
On the one hand, Pakistan is feigning to cooperate with the US in fighting terrorism while the fact, on the other hand, is that it probably cannot do without it as the same being an inseparable part of its state craft and the ground realities are that the terrorists operating from Pakistan are attacking American forces in Afghanistan. This goes on even though President Trump had called for tougher measures against Pakistan last year.
Testifying before the Senate, Armed Services Committee, Chief of Staff of US Army said that to end insurgency in Afghanistan, it was very important to reduce the threat of terrorism. It was difficult to end insurgency, according to him, if it had safe havens in another country. Naming the terror groups, he admitted they enjoyed safe havens on the Pakistani side of the border. He told the Law Makers, “Pakistan has got to be part of the solution”.
It may be noted that the Afghan authorities, time and again, blame Pakistan for each and every terror attack faced by them and the same fears are expressed by them as the US Army Staff Chief. The anger and the frustration of the Afghanistan President can be visualized when “words of sympathy” from Pakistan on terror strikes in Afghanistan are outrightly rejected by Afghan Government. Anyway, India’s stand continues to be vindicated about Pakistan being harbouring, aiding, abetting, arming and exporting terrorists , mainly to our country for three decades in a row, to create disturbances in Kashmir.