Action against Director SKICC

Facing the heat in connection with the reports of violation of rules and norms amounting to abuse of official position , breach of trust, ultimately landing at causing losses to the State exchequer , state Minister of Tourism has issued orders against Yasmeen Khan, Director Sher -e- Kashmir International Conference Centre (SKICC) to be attached with the Engineering staff. It is imperative to institute a proper inquiry into the working of the Director at an early date and analyze, check and verify in order to arrive at a clear picture so that the extent of irregularities committed could be known.
Through these lines, we have repeatedly been putting forth the importance of having periodic surprise audits in State departments to  have a list of irregularities prepared based on facts, expenditures , books , vouchers, bills etc  and sent direct to the Ministry or the controlling office . The Ministry in turn is required to monitor the rectification exercise and take suitable action. In the instant case, audit for 10 years is in arrears  but why? It is the absence of surprise periodical audits that malfeasance, frauds and irregularities take place. Honesty and integrity are the basics of holding such offices like the Director of an institution like the SKICC and there must be no scope for any compromise on or dilution of these basic principles.