
Sunday   April 22-2018

Aries : Today you are going to have a great time, but only if you plan out the right things, says Ganesha. At the work place it will be business as usual with its highs and lows. But make some good plan for the evening and you will be surprised. Try something romantic.

Taurus : This day your reasoning, speculations and conjectures could be letting you down. You may thus feel dejected because things are not working out the way you had planned and anticipated. Be prepared and forearmed. Move away from whatever you are doing and spend as much time as you can with friends and relatives. Joke and laugh away. Talk about trivia. Enjoy their company and keep the blues at bay.

Gemini : Today is an auspicious and fruitful day for you. You will become excited by every very small accomplishments. You will need to fulfill the demands made upon you by your family and friends. You will probably find yourself balancing the cheque book at home, or buying appliances for the house, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, your action will usher in incredible results, thanks to your forthright approach, foretells Ganesha. Later in the day, you may work on self-improvement and personality development. You may make some changes in your house.

Leo : Humanity is something that is missing a lot these days, and you believe it to be your duty to ensure that you reach out to everyone around you, says Ganesha. But don’t expect anything as revolutionary and emphatic in your personal life. At work, you may expect smooth sailing of sorts towards the latter part of the day, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Handicrafts business will fascinate you today, predicts Ganesha. People will be left wondering what fuels all that dedication and commitment – at work and at home! Ganesha advises you to consummate those bonds of love and roll in the hay with your spouse.

Libra : An extended family is a boon, especially when it comes to charting out some success. Okay, maybe it’s not Don Corleone calling the shots in your favour; but expect to get a favourable base from your relatives for the same. Bring your luck with you to work, and keep smiling. Yes, it is your dazzling smile that will help you win people’s hearts, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : The Dons in the office may bypass your superiors and probably make you run around as an errand boy. You are likely to impress your superiors with your brilliance. Evening, though, will ring out the exhaustion of the morning. Ganesha advises you to delay bidding on sealed tenders for today.

Sagittarius : You are likely to pull up your socks today shoulder the responsibilities that come your way. You may fall short of money due to some unexpected expenses. However, nothing can deter you from taking your sweetheart on a date. Have a lovely evening!

Capricorn : The usually high spirit that you display at work is likely be dampened today by a trivial issue. So, try not to let too many thoughts trouble your mind today, advises Ganesha. Money matters may be pressing, forcing you to take risks. In the circumstances, keeping your cool will be the best thing to do, for a minor slip can cost you all that you may not be prepared to lose. So get back to your usual self and take things as they come; life without troubles is no life at all.

Aquarius : Fame and fortune woo you today! And along with recognitions and rewards, you receive encouragement to do even better. Your bosses are pleased, but feel that you haven’t really given your 100%. Head on your shoulders and feet on the ground, says Ganesha, is the best policy.

Pisces : Contemplating on the source which triggered problems for you recently will be the order of the day. Identifying the source is half the work done; eliminating it is just a matter of initiative and courage, says Ganesha.