College teachers meet Minister, highlight demands

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 21: A delegation of College Teachers Association, led by  CTA president Dr D S Manhas, held a meeting with Minister of Higher Education Syed Altaf Bukhari and discussed various issues regarding the college fraternity.
CTA demanded implementations of 7thPay Commission in favour of college teachers and raised the issue of pay anomaly of 6th CPC for grant of increment prior to fixation of 6th CPC for those teachers who had joined between January to June before 2006.
CTA further stated that modalities of implementation of API to senior scale and selection grade of Asstt  Professors have to be formulated by the Higher Education Department.
CTA raised the demand of separate directorate of colleges for Jammu and Kashmir divisions.
Informing  that the Association is planning to organize a convention,  CTA requested the  Minister for a convenient time to schedule the event.
CTA also raised the issue of criteria for appointment of I/C Principals in which junior Associate Professors have been appointed and seniority has been flouted. The Association demanded that seniority of Associate Professors should be the only criteria for promotion as I/C Principals.
The Minister gave a patient hearing and stated that 7th Pay Commission for College Teachers will be implemented soon after the 7th Pay Commission for the State employees is implemented. Regarding the pay anomaly,  he passed directions to Principal Secretary Finance and for formulating modalities of implementation of API,  he passed directions to Principal Secretary Higher Education for necessary action. The  Minister further informed that the seniority shall be the criteria for appointment of I/C Principals.
In the meeting, CTA was represented by Dr M S Saini (vice president),Dr Anil Ganjoo (general secretary) Prof  Narayan Dutt ( Org  Secretary), Prof  Lekh Raj, Prof Mohd. Saddiq and Prof  Rakesh Sharma (joint secretaries).