DSS, AJCSF allege plot to defame Dogras, create division in Jammu

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 21:  Expressing serious concern over deteriorating situation in the region, Dogra Sadar Sabha has denounced the deliberate attempt of some groups to defame the Dogras by engineering a plot and divide the community.
An emergency meeting of the core group of Dogra Sadar Sabha (DSS) and All Jammu Civil Society Forum (AJCSF) was held at the Dogra Hall to consider the deteriorating state of events in the Jammu region. The meeting held under the DSS president and former minister Th Gulchain Singh Charak was attended by members of all cross sections of society and representatives of Dogras from all ethnic groups, traders and people from all walks of life.
All members in one voice expressed grave concern on the deliberate wicked design to disturb the peaceful secular fabric and inter-communal co-existence, brotherhood and age old traditional accommodative culture of the Dogra region with a view to break the homogeneity of the region and fish out polarized vote bank affiliations from troubled waters. Nomadic Gujjar Bakarwals have been part of Jammu society and the Kathua conspiracy is aimed at falsely fabricating a situation to demolish traditional local affinities.
“The unfortunate victim is our daughter” said former MLC Maj Gen Goverdhan Singh Jamwal adding that “we don’t need crocodile tear shedders but a fair, impartial high level investigation to punish the real criminals”.
Members observed that the looking away from the ticking time bomb of Rohingiyas, overlooking Article 35A, no action on stone pelting by Rohingiyas on the Army Check post and the attack by their supporters on journalists, were all designed provocations to vitiate the communal harmony thus far enjoyed by Jammu region said Brig Mahendar Singh. Kathua conspiracy came closely on the heels of the CMs unlawful direction for the police not to assist evacuation of nomads from Govt/private lands encroached by them and after rough handling of genuine demands from Naushera and Rajouri.
Non development of Jammu based tourism and planned apathy towards maintenance of Jammu heritage sites and discrimination galore in allocations, placements, education, funds, jobs and education opportunities are part of the same game plan.
Charak, in very strong words denounced the Chief Ministers’ declarations and the President of India’s endorsement about the Kathua conspiracy case, well before the court’s verdict.  “It was out of place at the convocation and later at the reception for the President”, he said. So far it is not even sure if the victim was raped or not, whether she was 8 years of age or fifteen.
Why was a ‘third” investigation team constituted? Why did it not go into the death of the girl’s parents and a property dispute and possibility of her murder for the same property, she inherited? Why no tracking of her uncle missing from the day of her murder? Why Jammu crime branch was mistrusted and replaced by the Kashmir Crime Branch unit under a reportedly tainted officer himself facing charges of murder and rape and his reported links with Hurriyat Chief? Under such circumstances the CBI probe is needed to be initiated, he maintained.